8 Replies Latest reply on Feb 26, 2010 1:12 PM by peterj

    Is there any documentation of default ports ?


      I have found myself searching the web for the default port assignments used by JBoss and not finding a clear answer.  For example, yesterday I used a custom deployment tool to install an application in JBoss.  The tool allowed me to select the port bindings for ports-03 and then later I needed to know what the RMI port of my server was.  I found it eventually through lengthy searching.


      I'd like to have a simple reference that shows the port assignments for ports-default, ports-01, ports-02, and ports-03.  Does this exist somewhere?


      If not, where should it go?  Would that be an article for this section of the wiki?


      Thanks for your help.



        • 1. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?
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          • 2. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?

            That looks like a great explanation of the configuration system.  Maybe the custom tool I am working with has added a layer of complexity here.


            Yesterday I looked at the configuration files that are explained in that document and I thought the RMI port for ports-03 should be 1398.  I found that the server was actually using 8863 for RMI.


            Is the RMI port for ports-03 really 1398 by default?  If so, I guess the document you pointed out is all that is needed.





            • 3. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?
              It starts with 1098. The ports-01 by default adds 100, ports-02 by default adds 200 and ports-03 by default adds 300. So by default, ports-03 will be using 1398 port for RMI
              • 4. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?




                • 5. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?


                  Using the ports-01 or ports-02 or what ever ports-x does not change based on the offset. Therefore I cannot start 2 instances of jboss on the same machine with same IP. However one instance of cause no problem.

                  What I did:

                  node1: start with ports-01 -> e.g. http port bind on 8181

                  node2: start with ports-02 -> e.g. http port try to bind also on 8181 -> failed! alrady in use


                  Any idea?

                  • 6. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?
                    Exactly how did you start JBoss AS? And which version of JBoss AS are you using? It's hard to give you speciifc advice not knowing the exact version since exactly how  this is done differs from one version to the next.
                    • 7. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?


                      I am using JBoss 5.1.0GA and using the 'default' server configuration

                      1) start node1:

                      ./run.sh -b <ip> -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01

                      node1 start properly using http port 8181


                      2) start node2:

                      ./run.sh -b <ip> -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-02

                      node 2 failed, trying to use the same http binding port 8181


                      changing node2 to use set ports-03 also failed!


                      Do i missed some settings somewhere in the conf/?


                      Please help!

                      • 8. Re: Is there any documentation of default ports ?

                        First, did make a copy of "default"? If not, you should. Personally, I never run "default", I always make a copy and run the copy. For example, I copy "default" ans "node1" and "node2" and then run:


                        ./run.sh -c node1 ...

                        ./run.sh -c node2 ...


                        Second, I hope that you did not modify server/default/deploy/jbosssweb.sar/server.xml. If you modified this file then bindings-jboss-beans.xml wil not be able to configure the ports correctly (it uses XSLT which relies somewhat on the service.xml file's layout and default values).