1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 13, 2010 3:46 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    <rich:modal Panel> Issue

      Hi All...

      I have 2 command  buttons called save and cancel in <rich:modal Panel>

      I have a method for save validations in the backing bean. If i click save it works fine.

      Immediately after saving correctly if i try to save invalid message(debugging)  nothing happens!!!!! I mean the error messages not get displayed. But if i try again (after refreshing) the errror messages get displayed. What must be the problem?


      Please help me..

      code here:



      <rich:modalPanel id="changetimezoneModalPanel" autosized="true"  onshow="javascript:scroll(0, 0);focusElement('reqChangeTimezoneForm', 'requestFeatureModal_TypeId');"
           rendered="true" width="500" height="300" minWidth="400" minHeight="300">

      <rich:spacer id="changeTimeZoneEmptySpacer"/>

      <h:form id="reqChangeTimezoneForm">


      <tr class="formLayoutTableRow">
                                                      <td class="formLayoutLabel"><h:outputLabel
                                                          value="Time Zone:" styleClass="labelStyle"
                                                          id="timezoneCreatetimezoneLabel" /></td>
                                                      <td class="formLayoutComponent"><a4j:outputPanel
                                                          <h:selectOneMenu id="timezoneCreatetimezoneValue"
                                                              <f:selectItem itemLabel="- Please Choose -" />
                                                                  value="#{backing_timeZoneChangeModal.timeZoneList}" />

      <tr colspan=2>


                                                          styleClass="btnSave" id="SaveButton" oncomplete="#{rich:component(backing_timeZoneChangeModal.lovCloseValue)}.hide()"/>
                                                      <a4j:commandButton action="#{backing_timeZoneChangeModal.cancel_action}"





      This is my code snippet..

      lovCloseValue is a String in the backing bean that will ve the value either modal panel id or rich spacer id..

      If save_action succes it will have modal panel id(that is it must get hide if success) otherwise it will have the richspacer id to display error code




        • 1. Re: <rich:modal Panel> Issue

          I do not see messages components in this snippet and b.t.w.

          lovCloseValue is a String in the backing bean that will ve the value either modal panel id or rich spacer id..

          please clarify this more. why did you trying to call hide() method on rich:spacer??