2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 13, 2010 10:15 AM by rmeu

    GateIn License

      Hello All,


      I understand that GateIn is mentionned on the main page to be available under LGPL (which apply I guess both to the JBoss and the Exo part).

      But do you know where I can find the document of this license and the complete extend of this one?


      Well I can find a generic version on the GNU project, but what I need is mainly to which portion of code it applies.


      By extension, I would like to know what are the 3rd party libraries onto which GateIn depend (such as Hibernate...).


      Do you know where I can find such information?


      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: GateIn License

          The whole GateIn is LGPL (there is no eXo and JBoss parts it's 1 codebase), so the info you found apply to the whole source you can find in https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/gatein


          3rd party libraries are compatible with LGPL for delivery. If for some reason you need to modify the source code of thirdparties then it will depend, Hibernate is LGPL, there are also libraries from Apache (ASL).

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: GateIn License

            Thanks a lot, very quick answer.


            It's very good to know that it is fully consistent.


            Actually, due to our licence management policy, I need the full list of 3rd party.

            So I just dropped a look inside the root pom.xml (I hope it's the good startegy) to have an idea... that's impressive...



