1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 17, 2010 6:42 AM by nbelaevski

    event.rich.component API


      where is this API documented?  I could not find any reference to it in the RF User Guide: http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/3.3.2.GA/en/devguide/html_single/


      I need to do a workaround for the problem I posted earlier regarding this blog solution for rich:calendar: http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/RichFacesCalendarForMonthsSelection


      We are using this solution and the problem is the default value, if selected, does not trigger the currentdateselected event.  So the user must select a random month or year and then the current month and then click out of the component to collapse the component.


      I was thinking I could set the default date to null or a random date like Jan 1990 so when they select Jan 2010, the currentdateselected event will fire.  Otherwise, there needs to be a JIRA for this.


      Is there a event.rich.component.selectDate('01/01/1990') or similar API that I could use with the onexpand attribute???  thx.