4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 18, 2010 12:06 PM by ascheerer

    Integrate Aries Blueprint implementation

      Hi Thomas,


      have you already planed some more details on how to integrate aries blueprint implementation? Perhaps I can help with this.






        • 1. Re: Integrate Aries Blueprint implementation

          The most important detail is that it has do get done until 1-Feb-2010


          The goal would be to replace our own BP implementation with the Reference Implementation (RI) and make sure the BP examples that we currently ship run on the replacement.

          • 2. Re: Integrate Aries Blueprint implementation

            The most important detail is that it has do get done until 1-Feb-2010



            Thats a good point :-)


            When are you planning to start working on this issue? And how much time (ideal hours?) do you plan to work on it? 


            I could try to get an overview over the work until next wednesday morning (cet) to decide if it is a task that i could manage in the given time spot or not. If you plan to start working on it earlier or it turns out to be too hard for me i will find another task that fits better!


            Best regards


            • 3. Re: Integrate Aries Blueprint implementation

              Given the time constraint and the nature of the work (i.e. mainly integration in an existing infrastructure) I would think that BP might not be the ideal task to get kick started with. Instead, I'd suggest you have a look at some of the core areas where we we have little/no coverage. These could for example be


              • startlevel
              • permission admin
              • conditional permission admin


              All of the above are covered in the R4V42 core specification






              This would be an excellent way to get familiar with the core framework functionality. A good understanding of which would probably be a prerequisite for productive work on enterprise funcionality anyway.


              To get started, you could pick one of these areas that are required to get worked on but currently have no time constraint associated with them, familiarize yourself with the specification, create test cases for the core functionality in the jboss-osgi functioanl test area (i.e. not framework/trunk), verify that your tests work with felix/equinox in the embedded and remote scenario and finally implement what is required in framework/trunk to get these tests pass with our framework as well.

              • 4. Re: Integrate Aries Blueprint implementation

                Hi Thomas,


                thanks for all these helpful hints and good luck replacing then blueprint implementation.


