2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2010 5:06 AM by jeff.zhang

    JBJCA-201 - Standalone configuration

      We will use this thread to discuss standalone configuration.
        • 1. Re: JBJCA-201 - Standalone configuration

          Currently we are using




          as the holder class for the object that needs to be validated.


          Probably a better option would be to create a




          object, since we shouldn't require an instance of the object that needs to be checked.The class looks like ValidateObject, but have


          Class<?> target


          instead of


          Object target


          The ValidateObject class should then be removed.


          This is especially useful for the standalone configuration as we don't have to create the object instances, but just pass the class definition.


          The Main class for the standalone configuration should take a single argument -- path to the .RAR archive -- then convert that into an java.net.URL and pass that to the






          This means that the validator will have to use a lot of the same constructs as the deployer chain. The common functionality should be extracted into classes living in .deployers.common. This change will of course require changes to the current deployer chain.

          • 2. Re: JBJCA-201 - Standalone configuration
            I have created jira https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBJCA-261 for track this implantation