1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 19, 2010 5:20 AM by ustaudinger

    Pojo Cache Cluster problem


      I'm probably missing something easy here, but I'm trying to get PojoCache working in a clustered JBoss setup. I'm using JBoss AS 4.2.3 and JBoss Cache 1.4.1. I've used the following web site as a template for the conf files:


      Everything seems to start up fine. The first server in the cluster starts and this shows up in the console window (from log output):

      INFO [POJOCacheMgr] Initializing Pojo Cache
      INFO [POJOCacheMgr] putObject at /1/obj1; type: com.test.Data.TestCacheData
      INFO [POJOCacheMgr] putObject at /1/obj2; type: com.test.Data.TestCacheData
      INFO [POJOCacheMgr] putObject at /1/obj3; type: com.test.Data.TestCacheData

      The second computer joins the cluster:

      15:16:22,908 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|1] [,]
      15:16:23,126 INFO [TreeCache] locking the subtree at / to transfer state
      15:16:23,142 INFO [StateTransferGenerator_140] returning the state for tree rooted in /(1024 bytes)
      15:16:29,673 INFO [MyPartition] New cluster view for partition MyPartition (id: 1, delta: 1) : [,]
      15:16:29,673 INFO [MyPartition] I am ( received membershipChanged event:
      15:16:29,673 INFO [MyPartition] Dead members: 0 ([])
      15:16:29,673 INFO [MyPartition] New Members : 1 ([])
      15:16:29,673 INFO [MyPartition] All Members : 2 ([,])
      15:16:32,595 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|1] [,]
      15:16:34,908 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|1] [,]
      15:16:43,126 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|1] [,]
      15:35:53,923 INFO [MyPartition] Suspected member:
      15:35:53,970 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|2] []
      15:35:53,970 INFO [MyPartition] New cluster view for partition MyPartition (id: 2, delta: -1) : []
      15:35:53,970 INFO [myPartition] I am ( received membershipChanged event:
      15:35:53,970 INFO [MyPartition] Dead members: 1 ([])
      15:35:53,970 INFO [MyPartition] New Members : 0 ([])
      15:35:53,970 INFO [MyPartition] All Members : 1 ([])
      15:35:53,986 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|2] []
      15:35:54,033 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|2] []
      15:35:54,033 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|2] []
      15:36:03,314 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|3] [,]
      15:36:03,470 INFO [TreeCache] locking the subtree at / to transfer state
      15:36:03,470 INFO [StateTransferGenerator_140] returning the state for tree rooted in /(1024 bytes)
      15:36:09,064 INFO [MyPartition] New cluster view for partition MyPartition (id: 3, delta: 1) : [,]
      15:36:09,064 INFO [MyPartition] I am ( received membershipChanged event:
      15:36:09,064 INFO [MyPartition] Dead members: 0 ([])
      15:36:09,064 INFO [MyPartition] New Members : 1 ([])
      15:36:09,064 INFO [MyPartition] All Members : 2 ([,])
      15:36:11,783 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|3] [,]
      15:36:14,095 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|3] [,]
      15:36:21,408 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): [|3] [,]

      The first computer can view the objects in the cache with no problems, however the second computer never finds it.
      I always get a null when I try to retrieve the data.

      Here is the code that gets called to init the cache

      private PojoCacheMBean PojoCache;
      public void initCache(final String name) throws Exception {
       log.info("Initializing POJO Cache");
       try {
       //server = MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss();
       server = MBeanServerLocator.locate();
       PojoCache = (PojoCacheMBean)MBeanProxyExt.create(PojoCacheMBean.class,
       if (PojoCache == null) {
       throw new Exception("Could not create clientCache (PojoCache)");
       catch (Exception e) {
       throw new Exception("Could not init clientCache (PojoCache)",e);

      I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong

      Thanks in advance.