6 Replies Latest reply on Mar 2, 2010 4:57 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border



      I am trying to get the opened menu of the dropDownMenu component in a state, that the underlaying selectboxes are not in select if I hover the menuitems of the dropDownMenu.

      Direct under the rich dropDownMenu I have a selectBox.
      Each time when I hover over my dropDownMenu, the menu is popuped below over the other selectBox. When I hover over the items of my dropDownMenu, the cursor gets the other selectBox selected, not the dropDownMenu.

      Is there any possibility to get the visibility or the focus to the dropDownMenu?
      I tried with the style rich-menu-list-border.



      Nachricht geändert durch Klaus Schuster

        • 1. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border

          sorry but seems can't get the idea.. checked that

          • menu populated coorectly above the select elements
          • hover and click on the menu causes expected actions.
          • 2. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border

            hmm. i have two items in the menu list. the first is shown correctly. the same when I hover over the item, but only the second seems to make some mistakes.

            the SelectBox under the rich menu rop down menu is larger than the richface component.

            Can you give me some css style tipps, to get the background focus to the rich menu menu ?

            thanks in advance.


            • 3. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border
              please show the sources.
              • 4. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border



                rich:dropDownMenu id="#{id}" disabled="#{disabled}" submitMode="none" direction="#{empty direction ? 'bottom-left' : direction}" jointPoint="auto"


                showDelay="100" hideDelay="1000" styleClass="menu"


                labelClass="menu" disabledItemClass="itemdisabled"




                rendered="#{(empty rendered or rendered)}"




                <f:facet name="label">


                <h:graphicImage value="/images/icon_normal.gif" />







                rich:menuItem id="#{id}" submitMode="#{empty submitMode ? 'server' : submitMode}" value="#{msg.aktivieren}" icon="#{icon}"


                disabled="#{disabled}" immediate="true"


                rendered="#{(empty rendered or rendered)}"


                labelClass="functionitem" onselect="#{onclick}"






                <f:param name="status" value="0" />


                <f:setPropertyActionListener rendered="#{not empty actionPropertyValue}"


                target="#{actionPropertyTarget}" value="#{actionPropertyValue}"








                <rich:menuItem id="#{id}" submitMode="#{empty submitMode ? 'server' : submitMode}" value="#{msg.sperren}" icon="#{icon}"


                disabled="#{disabled}" immediate="true"


                rendered="#{(empty rendered or rendered)}"


                labelClass="functionitem" onselect="#{onclick}"






                <f:param name="status" value="1" />


                <f:setPropertyActionListener rendered="#{not empty actionPropertyValue}"


                target="#{actionPropertyTarget}" value="#{actionPropertyValue}"












                t:selectOneMenu id="......" >



                t:selectItems value="....".....





                The FunctionItems look like transparent.
                As mentioned before, I get the focus of the botton t:selectOneMenu if I hover over the menu..



                Here are the used css code styles:





                width: 98%;


                border: 0px;


                display: inline;


                padding: 0px;


                margin: 2px;







                background-color: #f9f300;






                background-color: #6D6D6D;


                font-size: 1.1em;


                font-weight: bold;







                font-size: 1em;



                Is there any thing left in my styles to disable the "transparent" style?

                • 5. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border

                  ok, I have the solution:


                  I didn't declare a background-color for the style called "rich-menu-list-border"

                  • 6. Re: Rich dropDownMenu using style: rich-menu-list-border

                    So, assuming that now works ok.