1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 4, 2010 4:11 AM by heiko.braun

    Refresh button doesn't work in jbpm4 console application

      I am running jbpm4.2 console  application on was6.1 with derby database .

      it's running fine and i  am able to create process instanses and can see

      them in the  process definations tab .


      My concern is , if i delete any process from the  list shown it didn't get refreshed

      to show only remained process  instances , even after clicking refresh button nothing

      happens .


      here if i  logout and login again now i can see original list (No deleted row) .


      Even i  found if clicked on process definations once it loads data from data  base

      and cache it into the browser , in the same session if  clicked the same link again and again

      it never goes to data base  .Ideally clicking on refresh button does the same thing to hit

      the  data base and get the updated data ..



      Any idea why the refresh didn't work .

        • 1. Re: Refresh button doesn't work in jbpm4 console application

          well, if you hit delete then logout the instances are still the same,

          then I would assume the delete operation failed in the first place.


          Did you check the server logs if an error occured?


          Another option would be (also very unlikely) that you

          have network components in between client and server that cache

          the responses. I.e. an HTTP proxy?


          The console itself doesn't cache that data.