0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2010 4:49 AM by pomcompot

    How to return a response with multiple children with Document/Literal (Wrapped)?


      I get this previous response structure inherited from the project I work on:

      <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">












      I doesn’t achieve to get a multi children response with the ResponseWrapper annotation (limited by the fact that Java only allow unique object return).


      Here my code:

          @RequestWrapper(className="com.macif.odma.common.ws.objects.GetInfosEnvironnementRequest", localName="getInfosEnvironnementRequest")
          @ResponseWrapper(className="com.macif.odma.common.ws.objects.GetInfosEnvironnementResponse", localName="getInfosEnvironnementResponse")
          public Response getInfosEnvironnement(DeploiementId deploiement) throws Exception {
              // Appel au service pour l'enregistrement de la livraison
              GetInfosEnvironnementService getInfosEnvironnementService = (GetInfosEnvironnementService) Component.getInstance("getInfoEnvironnementService", ScopeType.CONVERSATION, true, true);
              return getInfosEnvironnementService.inscription(deploiement);


      And the response wrapper:

      @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
      @XmlRootElement(name = "GetInfosEnvironnementResponse")
      public class GetInfosEnvironnementResponse {
          @XmlElement(required = true)
          public List<EnvironnementLogique> environnementLogique = new ArrayList<EnvironnementLogique>();
          @XmlElement(required = true)
          public Response reponse;


      I have also tried with BARE style with no more success.