4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2010 11:00 AM by jbalunas

    The best place for CDK tag description.


      I have some concern about proper place for JSF tag definition. Because tag uses both component and renderer refferences, there are three possible places to define it:

      1) In the component's configuration ( as the special @Tag annotation or cdk: elements in the faces-config component-extention http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesCDKfaces-configextensions . Because JSF allows to have more then one renderer per component, CDK should sullort more then one renderer/tag pair.

      2) In the renderer configuration. Once again, it would be @Tag annotation for a Renderer class, or special XML elements in the faces-config or renderer template.

      3) Separate cdk:tag element in the faces-config extension. For the later case, it's har do defane proper place for annotation.

      Please, take a look for proposed configuration.