2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 31, 2010 7:10 AM by timfox

    To cluster or not to cluster?




      Could you please give me a steer with how to set this up (or point me at the relevant example)?


      We have more that one JBossAS4 node running on different IP addresses on the same machine. The nodes are running different applications that communicate via JMS.


      If I configured HornetQ clustering then would messages automatically be routed to a node where there is a consumer?


      Or should I avoid HornetQ clustering and separate the JMS queue configurations between the nodes? (Then the queues are just made available to the different producers via JNDI?)





        • 1. Re: To cluster or not to cluster?

          That's more a question from your application side.


          From what you said on your statements... each node has different applications, but I'm not sure what kind of communication is done between them.



          We can help you answering any specific technical questions about HornetQ, but on this case we don't have much information as how you should design this. (I don't at least)

          • 2. Re: To cluster or not to cluster?
            The clustering chapter in the user manual should answer some of your questions, e.g. about routing messages to nodes with/without consumers.