1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 5, 2010 2:46 AM by lkrzyzanek

    I hate this editor, part 2


      This bug has pestered me once too often!


      I type some text into the editor window. Then I am not sure of the exact events, but it involves some cursor repositioning usually to correct or add some text, after which I am certain that the cursor is at the end of the text I have netered so far. Then I hit the return key to start a new paragraph, but for some reason the cursor jumps to the second character in the edit window and inserts the carriage return there.


      When that happened as I was typing in this text, the "T" in "This" at the start of the message was all by itself and in the next paragraph was the text I typed after I hit enter and before my eyes registered what had happened an signaled my fingers to stop. It sort of looked like this:




      to starhis bug has ..."

        • 1. Re: I hate this editor, part 2

          Hi Peter,

          yeah we know about these problems with current RTE :-( A lot of these bugs are already fixed in new version of Clearspace 4.x (called SBS). I've tested RTE in that new version and it behave much much friendly like any other editor.


          At now we're preparing this upgrade and I hope that will go smoothly.



