I tried to isolate .aop from .war setting
in .AOP\META-INF\jboss-aop.xml
but i obtain however ClassCastException...any idea?
Kabir i resolved my problem with comment out bean named "WarClassLoaderDeployer" in
That is a very dirty solution but working properly.
Thanks for the support
cuccu83 wrote:
I tried to isolate .aop from .war setting
in .AOP\META-INF\jboss-aop.xml
but i obtain however ClassCastException...any idea?
I can't remember which is the default, but you probably want to set java2ParentDelegation to false. That way it will always check the sar's loader before checking the parent classloader.
Kabir i resolved my problem with comment out bean named "WarClassLoaderDeployer" in
That is a very dirty solution but working properly.
* http://community.jboss.org/wiki/useJBossWebClassLoaderinJBoss5
Should be fixed in upcoming AS6_M2.