1. Re: About Project Plan & Implementation
jesper.pedersen Jul 16, 2009 2:23 PM (in response to gurkanerdogdu)
When implementing Connection Management related contract, is old code that is implemented in the JBoss AS "trunk/connector" used for starting? Or, is it implemented from scratch?
Well, JBJCA is a new implementation, so it is from scratch. That being said we will of course reuse all the code we can from the existing implementation (Branch_5_x/connector).
Focus will be on splitting the classes (and especially inner classes) out, so each are more visible in the projects. Also interfaces should be used for all variables such that implementations can be changed using the container injection mechanism.
(This is also applicable for other modules, JDBC, JMS, Quartz, Timer etc.)
Focus is on the container first, this means deployer chain, core services and so on. Then we will focus on porting the JDBC layer over to the repository - and update it depending on the JDBC version in JDK7.
Mail will be ported too.
JMS and Timer are last as JBoss Messaging 2.0 will features its own resource adapter.
The key is that each component can be released individually once the project hits 1.0.0.
What is the work plan for Pojo JCA? I have looked at JIRA for release plan but it is not detailed.
A detailed work plan, no. We are currently focusing on implementing the deployer chain - and thereby provide feedback to the JSR-322 expert group regarding XSD and annotations.
Once that is up and running focus will be on implementing the core services; WorkManager, ConnectionManager and so on.
So it is really a matter of picking an area of interest and start to look into it. The cobertura target in the Ant file will provide you with an overview where testing is needed.
And breaking the tasks into smaller pieces such that each can be easier completed within a development cycle of a month. Note, we don't use sub-tasks - link the tasks together using the JIRA link mechanism.
When would you think to release first stable version ?
Well, first we need the TCK test suite for the final JCA 1.6 specification - both for the standalone environment and for the entire JavaEE6 environment.
Depending on our progress at that time we get a number which must end up at 100% ;)
That being said there are a couple of blockers out-side of the specification before we can go final.
The plan is to release monthly developer snapshots - hopefully each with new functionality that the users will find interesting.
I am asking questions because I really contribute on this :)
Sounds great :) You are always more than welcome to post your ideas, comments or questions about the project here.
Thanks for your contributions to the project ! -
2. Re: About Project Plan & Implementation
jesper.pedersen Jul 16, 2009 2:35 PM (in response to gurkanerdogdu)btw - we are hanging out on #jboss-dev on irc.freenode.org (registration required) if you are looking for some quick ping-pong.
3. Re: About Project Plan & Implementation
gurkanerdogdu Jul 16, 2009 2:54 PM (in response to gurkanerdogdu)Thanks a lot for answers. Than I will focus on the WorkManager stuff firstly.
btw - we are hanging out on #jboss-dev on irc.freenode.org (registration required) if you are looking for some quick ping-pong.
Great! I will be on there, nick name is * Gurkan*. I nudge you if have questions :)
Thanks again;
--Gurkan -
4. Re: About Project Plan & Implementation
vickyk Feb 11, 2010 2:35 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I understand that we eventually would be in a position where we can plugin the JBJCA in other environment, I am more inclined to get it in the Tomcat.
There are couple of ways which I can think to achieve this
1) Have the embeded tomcat started from the JBJCA and write a deployer which would deploy .war/.ear.
2) Embed the JBJCA in the Tomcat and implement the required deployers in Tomcat which will deploy the .rar.
In both the cases we have to integrate the deployers and provide the JCA infrastructure(pooling/tx/security)
I don't see just a JCA container which would purely have a capability to deploy the RAR being useful in enterprise application, you need to have the deployers for other artifacts too.
What is the plan here?
5. Re: About Project Plan & Implementation
jesper.pedersen Feb 11, 2010 9:43 AM (in response to vickyk)Currently we have Jetty integrated as the web container to provide a HTTP based platform for our documentation and a simple management console.
The WARDeployer deploys .WAR files into the Jetty environment, but that is the scope of the integration currently.
If we want a "full" web + jca environment more work has to be done on the integration and especially the testing of the integration.
If you want to start on a Tomcat integration that would be great. There are a couple of points though
- Jetty integration must be maintained - and hence there must be separate WAR deployers for each platform
- There should be a test suite that test basic web applications (smoke-tests) -- currently there isn't one
- There should be a test suite that test basic web / jca interaction
- There should be different configurations - jetty+jca and tomcat+jca - for test suite and binary distribution
The key is to be a clean separation between JCA container and layers above, as web (JSP+Servlet) is just one "consumer" of JCA tech.