2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2010 11:50 AM by eugenbesel

    rich:EXTENDEDdataTable filterBy contains instead of startsWith


      Hello everyone,


      in demo:


      I see that filterBy can also use contains instead of startsWith conditions.


      In the example code I dont see any advice on this conditions.


      can anybody tell me, how I can switch from startWith to contains condition??

      is there only a flag for it, or should I implement the own filter condition?


      thank you

        • 1. Re: rich:EXTENDEDdataTable filterBy contains instead of startsWith
          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: rich:EXTENDEDdataTable filterBy contains instead of startsWith

            hello Ilja,


            thank you for your advice. I took a look at this example.


            I saw, that the filter Method take a Objectvalue.


            public boolean filterStates(Object current) {
                    Capital currentCapital = (Capital)current;
                    if (filterValue.length()==0) {
                        return true;
                    if (currentCapital.getState().toLowerCase().startsWith(filterValue.toLowerCase())) {
                        return true;
                    }else {
                        return false;



            and this method is used in jsp. like <rich:column filterMethod="#{filteringBean.filterStates}">


            how about <rich:columns ...

            without filterMethod I made:

            <rich:columns id="col_#{col}" value="#{searchModul.columns}"
                             var="col" index="ind"
                             filterBy="#{data[ind]}" filterEvent="onkeyup" sortBy="#{data[ind]}"



            with Bean:

            public Map<String, Object> getColumnFilterValues() {
                    return columnFilterValues;


                public void setColumnFilterValues(Map<String, Object> columnFilterValues) {
                    this.columnFilterValues = columnFilterValues;


            so how should it work with filterMethod ????


            thank you for your answer.