1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 17, 2010 8:32 AM by jfclere

    https to https...

      I'm trying to a make a connection from 2 secured (SSL Enabled)  and ModCluster enabled remote backend servers (JBoss 5.0) to its corresponding SSL enabled (SSLEngine on) Virtual hosting webserver in the mod_cluster apache install as a cluster. I have it set up as such:


      <VirtualHost *.777>

      SSLEngine on

      ServerCert server.crt

      ServerKey server.key

      CertCA certca.pem


      <Directory />

      Deny all




      proxypass /

      proxypassreverse  /





      <VirtualHost *.778>

      SSLEngine on

      ServerCert server.crt

      ServerKey server.key

      CertCA certca.pem


      <Directory />

      Deny all




      proxypass /

      proxypassreverse  /





      <VirtualHost *.443>

      SSLEngine on

      ServerCert server.crt

      ServerKey server.key

      CertCA     certca.pem


      balancers 0



      Now this may be an apache or even a cert question. But my certca does normally line up wit the server certs but when i start up the jboss server its throwing a "javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target " Error. i think i'm missing something....oh yeah the certca is just the ca of the certs. i didn't import those certs into it. Thanks for replies....