3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 7, 2010 5:02 PM by laruiss

    MOD_JK hates my 3rd node


      I managed to get 2 nodes load balancing rather nicely using mod_jk.  Last week we hit our limit and I added a 3rd node.  It seems as if this node is being almost completely ignored by mod_jk.  every once in a while I will have my session sent to node3 but none of my users have ever seen node3.  My setup is very simple, its 3 nodes on the same windoes 2003 server, Apache/2.0.63 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.28, and jboss 4.2.1 GA with JDK 1.5.0_16-b02.  All 3 jboss instances are running as a windows service and have the heap max/min set to 1274M.



      THe JKSTATUS page is showing the very little data going to the node(please note that the usage is low on node 1 because I had to bounce node 1 due to an out of memory error due to node 3 not taking any of the load)


      Server: name=localhost port=80
      Time: datetime=20100202133948 tz=Central Standard Time unix=1265139588
      Software: web_server="Apache/2.0.63 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.28" jk_version=mod_jk/1.2.28
      Balancer Workers: count=1
      Balancer Worker: name=loadbalancer type=lb sticky_session=True sticky_session_force=False retries=2 recover_time=60 error_escalation_time=30 max_reply_timeouts=0 method=Sessions lock=Optimistic member_count=3 good=3 degraded=0 bad=0 busy=132 max_busy=169 map_count=12 time_to_maintenance_min=44 time_to_maintenance_max=106 last_reset_at=1265113731 last_reset_ago=25857
      Member: name=node1 type=ajp13 host= port=8109 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 activation=ACT lbfactor=1 route="node1" redirect="" domain="" distance=0 state=OK lbmult=1 lbvalue=0 elected=662 errors=0 client_errors=6 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=384578 read=4878199 busy=3 max_busy=18 time_to_recover_min=0 time_to_recover_max=0 last_reset_at=1265137797 last_reset_ago=1791
      Member: name=node2 type=ajp13 host= port=8209 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 activation=ACT lbfactor=1 route="node2" redirect="" domain="" distance=0 state=OK lbmult=1 lbvalue=0 elected=6552 errors=0 client_errors=18 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=4102522 read=53048967 busy=60 max_busy=103 time_to_recover_min=0 time_to_recover_max=0 last_reset_at=1265137455 last_reset_ago=2133
      Member: name=node3 type=ajp13 host= port=8309 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 activation=ACT lbfactor=1 route="node3" redirect="" domain="" distance=0 state=OK/IDLE lbmult=1 lbvalue=0 elected=18 errors=0 client_errors=0 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=5519 read=5040 busy=51 max_busy=52 time_to_recover_min=0 time_to_recover_max=0 last_reset_at=1265137461 last_reset_ago=2127
      Map: id=1 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclientAdmin/*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=2 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclientAdmin/*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=3 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclient/*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=4 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclient/*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=5 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclientAdmin*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=6 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclientAdmin*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=7 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclient*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=8 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/zeroclient*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=9 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=10 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid/*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=11 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid*" type="Wildchar" source="uriworkermap" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      Map: id=12 server="USSTLZ-PFINWI05.emrsn.org:80" uri="/getpaid*" type="Wildchar" source="JkMount" reply_timeout="-1" fail_on_status="" active="" disabled="" stopped="" use_server_errors="0"
      AJP Workers: count=3
      AJP Worker: name=node1 type=ajp13 host= port=8109 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 used=0 errors=0 client_errors=0 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=0 read=0 busy=0 max_busy=0 map_count=0 last_reset_at=1265113731 last_reset_ago=25857
      AJP Worker: name=node2 type=ajp13 host= port=8209 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 used=0 errors=0 client_errors=0 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=0 read=0 busy=0 max_busy=0 map_count=0 last_reset_at=1265113731 last_reset_ago=25857
      AJP Worker: name=node3 type=ajp13 host= port=8309 address= connection_pool_timeout=0 ping_timeout=10000 connect_timeout=0 prepost_timeout=0 reply_timeout=0 retries=2 connection_ping_interval=0 recovery_options=0 max_packet_size=8192 used=0 errors=0 client_errors=0 reply_timeouts=0 transferred=0 read=0 busy=0 max_busy=0 map_count=0 last_reset_at=1265113731 last_reset_ago=25857
      Result: type=OK message="Action finished"


      Here are my configs as they stand now:




      # Define list of workers that will be used
      # for mapping requests
      # Define Node1
      # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
      # Define Node2
      # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
      # Define Node3
      # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
      # Load-balancing behaviour
      # Status worker for managing load balancer




      # Simple worker configuration file
      # Mount the Servlet context to the ajp13 worker




      # Load mod_jk module
      # Specify the filename of the mod_jk lib
      LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so

      JkWorkersFile conf/workers.properties

      JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log

      JkLogLevel info

      JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"

      JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

      JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

      JkMount /getpaid/zeroclient* loadbalancer
      JkMount /getpaid/zeroclient/* loadbalancer
      JkMount /getpaid/zeroclientAdmin* loadbalancer
      JkMount /getpaid/zeroclientAdmin/* loadbalancer
      JkMount /getpaid/* loadbalancer
      JkMount /getpaid* loadbalancer

      JkMountFile conf/uriworkermap.properties
      JkShmFile logs/jk.shm

      <Location /jkstatus/>
              JkMount status
              Order deny,allow
              Deny from all
              Allow from

      changes only from the httpd.conf:


      UseCanonicalName Off

      ServerSignature On


      Include conf/mod-jk.conf

        • 1. Re: MOD_JK hates my 3rd node

          Hello, not an expert, but trying to help as much as I can...

          Why is your worker.list commented out ?


          Did you modify /your_server/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml and put

          <attribute name="UseJK">true</attribute> ?

          Did you modify /deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/server.xml and add

          <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="node3"> ?


          Is your tomcat really listening on port 8309 on node3 ?



          • 2. Re: MOD_JK hates my 3rd node

            If you look, there were 2 worker.list entries, the uncommented one was "



            We fixed the issue but didnt find the root cause(finally)


            I simply trashed the node one jboss deployment and rebuilt it from scratch.  I plan to do a diff on the files to see if I can find the actual problem, but as of right now its all working.  If I find something usefull as to what fixed it I will post it up here to maybe help someone having the same issue down the road.

            • 3. Re: MOD_JK hates my 3rd node

              OK, but this line should only read:


              If I refer to the documentation:

              balance_workers is a comma separated list of workers that the load balancer need to manage.  These workers should not appear in the worker.list property.

              source: http://www.lifeenv.gov.sk/tomcat-docs/jk/howto/workers.html.


              As long as these workers should only be used via the load balancer worker, there is no need to also put them into the worker.list property.

              source: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/reference/workers.html

