1. Re: extend GPD
kukeltje Dec 31, 2009 9:22 AM (in response to shmendrix)Yes, just search the forum and you'll find some hints. If you have more detailed questions please get back to us. -
2. Re: extend GPD
lamj1 Feb 23, 2010 2:24 PM (in response to kukeltje)have you found any info on that, I search the forum and this is the only discussion.where can i find the source code? is it in the jbpm source as well?Any instruction on how to build from sourceThanks -
3. Re: extend GPD
kukeltje Feb 23, 2010 3:56 PM (in response to lamj1)Jas,
Info on the source and building it can be found... surprise, surprise... ;-) on www.jbpm.org...
4. Re: extend GPD
lamj1 Feb 23, 2010 5:13 PM (in response to kukeltje)yes i have downloaded the source, successfully build the default modules.
I am just puzzled on how to extend the GPD and build it as a eclipse plug in module.
I would like to add custom component to the GPD plug into eclipse. So when creating a workflow I can have custom made elements.
What package could I modify to achieve that (module.jpdl?) and how to build as an eclipse plug in module?
5. Re: extend GPD
kukeltje Feb 23, 2010 6:03 PM (in response to lamj1)Jas,
That has been asked many times in the forum... So I suggest using the search functionality of the forum... But keep in mind, it is not simple. For the 3.x GPD the ESB node is an example of how to extend things but this node is not in the 4.0 one.