3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2010 6:31 AM by konstt2000

    Problem render rich:simpleTogglePanel IE7/IE8




      i've a appplication with richfaces and seam. I've page with modalPanel.

      when you open the screen behind modalpanel is rendered bad in firefox does not happen. Why is it?


      Sometimes also if you click on a rich: calendar for example is whole screen is blank IE7, IE8,, if I move or resize the browser is re-painted, this also happens in firefox. Any solution?




        • 1. Re: Problem render rich:modalPanel IE7/IE8
          code snippets and pictures would be helpfull.
          • 2. Re: Problem render rich:modalPanel IE7/IE8



            I've been looking at the error. I think the problem is the screen disappears from the use of rich:simpleTogglePanel. Why might that be?. Is there a problem in IE8, IE / with this component?


            The page has 3 rich:simpleTogglePanel. I tested that if I remove these items works perfectly.         


            The page is:


                        <rich:simpleTogglePanel switchType="client" styleClass="panelSeccion" headerClass="cabeceraSeccion">
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                Datos UF
                            <rich:dataTable align="left" reRender="ds" id="list" rows="3" value="#{example.listElem}" var="elem" styleClass="estiloTabla" headerClass="cabeceraTabla" rowClasses="filaTablaImpar,filaTablaPar">
                                    <f:facet name="header">Código</f:facet>
                                    <h:outputText value="#{elem.uf.cdSolicitud}" />
                                    <f:facet name="header">MITYC</f:facet>
                                    <h:outputText value="#{elem.uf.codeX}" />
                                    <f:facet name="header">CIL</f:facet>
                                    <h:outputText value="#{elem.uf.codeY}" />
                                <rich:datascroller id="ds" align="left" for="list" rendered="#{not empty example.listElem}" renderIfSinglePage="false"></rich:datascroller>                                        



            • 3. Re: Problem render rich:modalPanel IE7/IE8

              I've been working with this problem.


              I've changed the rich:simpleTogglePanel by rich:panelBarItem and work.

              The render page is very big.. if I reduced the size page this work with simpleTogglePanel.


              Do you know any problem with IE7 or IE8 rich:simpleTogglePanel and when the page size is large? (Vertically)


              The error occurs when the rich:simpleTogglePanel are made and click on any part of the page. At that point blank, if you resize the browser becomes visible once the page.

