1. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 8:55 AM (in response to adrian.brock)
<!-- Only create the classloader when somebody wants to import our package or module -->
<!-- Only move the deployment to the REAL stage when somebody loads a class from our classloader - with an optional filter -->
<lazy-start filter="com.acme.somepackage"/>
What's the difference between these two?
1st would only move to CLASSLOADER, where the 2nd would move to REAL? -
2. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
adrian.brock Mar 2, 2010 9:02 AM (in response to alesj)alesj wrote:
<!-- Only create the classloader when somebody wants to import our package or module -->
<!-- Only move the deployment to the REAL stage when somebody loads a class from our classloader - with an optional filter -->
<lazy-start filter="com.acme.somepackage"/>
What's the difference between these two?
1st would only move to CLASSLOADER, where the 2nd would move to REAL?Yes.
3. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 9:43 AM (in response to adrian.brock)1st would only move to CLASSLOADER, where the 2nd would move to REAL?
What happens if there is no filter?
Every package is a trigger for REAL?
Or, what happens if you try to load a class past the filter?
4. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
adrian.brock Mar 2, 2010 9:58 AM (in response to alesj)alesj wrote:
1st would only move to CLASSLOADER, where the 2nd would move to REAL?
What happens if there is no filter?
Every package is a trigger for REAL?
Or, what happens if you try to load a class past the filter?
I don't understand the second question, but "no filter" means a default filter of ClassFilterUtils.EVERYTHING
i.e. loading any class from that deployment will trigger a start.
5. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 10:10 AM (in response to adrian.brock)
Or, what happens if you try to load a class past the filter?
I don't understand the second question,
I mean what happens if you try to load org.acme.foo.Foo, but the filter is set to org.acme.bar.
Probably you would be able to load the class, but no change to REAL would happen?
btw: CL snapshot looks outdated wrt Deployers -- e.g. no "mvn deploy"?
6. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
adrian.brock Mar 2, 2010 10:13 AM (in response to alesj)
Correct.alesj wrote:
Or, what happens if you try to load a class past the filter?
I don't understand the second question,
I mean what happens if you try to load org.acme.foo.Foo, but the filter is set to org.acme.bar.
Probably you would be able to load the class, but no change to REAL would happen?
7. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 10:13 AM (in response to alesj)I mean what happens if you try to load org.acme.foo.Foo, but the filter is set to org.acme.bar.
Probably you would be able to load the class, but no change to REAL would happen?
public void classFound(ClassFoundEvent event) { if (getLazyStartFilter().matchesClassName(event.getClassName()) == false) return; removeLazyStart(); if (isStarted() == false) { try { start();
8. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
adrian.brock Mar 2, 2010 10:14 AM (in response to alesj)btw: CL snapshot looks outdated wrt Deployers -- e.g. no "mvn deploy"?
Yep, my "mvn deploy" failed because of some transient problem, but I didn't spot it.
Uploading now....
9. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 10:22 AM (in response to adrian.brock)Yep, my "mvn deploy" failed because of some transient problem, but I didn't spot it.
Perhaps a bit unrelated, unless you saw the same thing. :-)
I see this failure here and there -- quite randomly -- mostly always works on the 2nd pass.
Failed tests:
testAbstractFactoryConcurrent(org.jboss.test.classloader.delegate.test.DelegateUnitTestCase) -
10. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 10:37 AM (in response to adrian.brock)I propose we add a new META-INF/jboss-deployment.xml which would be some generic
metadata for this kind of processing and other possible deployment control parameters.
Yeah, this would definitely be needed / useful -- for MC/AS boot time.
<!-- Deploy this deployment in the described stage initially - i.e. no classloader -->
<!-- Only create the classloader when somebody wants to import our package or module -->
I guess the usage of the 2nd <lazy-resolve> would mean required-stage beyond DESCRIBE doesn't make sense.
Same for <lazy-start> if the required stage is set to REAL or past.
11. Re: Deployment lazyResolve and lazyStart
alesj Mar 2, 2010 6:16 PM (in response to alesj)I've hacked this here -- https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBDEPLOY-248:
[2] validation deployer -http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/jboss-deployers/trunk/deployers-impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/deployers/plugins/classloading/DeploymentValidationDeployer.java
So, the xml looks now like this
<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment:1.0" required-stage="POST_PARSE" lazy-resolve=true> <lazy-start-filter>com.acme.somepackage</lazy-start-filter> </deployment>