1. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
akazakov Mar 5, 2010 10:03 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)Facelets templating? What kind of feature do you mean here?
We already have some support of it in VPE and code completion. For example <ui:composition template="|" > suggests available pages.
What else could be useful? WDYT?
2. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
maxandersen Mar 5, 2010 10:16 AM (in response to akazakov)yeah im also looking for something more concrete since "facelets templating" is probably what we got the *most* support for so wondering what we are missing ? -
3. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
mareshkau Mar 5, 2010 11:22 AM (in response to akazakov)May be this one https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-5921 ? -
4. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
dgolovin Mar 5, 2010 1:57 PM (in response to akazakov)I'm just brainstorming what would it be:
1. Enabling/disabling facelets on Dynamic Web Project which would modify required resources and add required libraries;
2. New wizards to create templates with selection from predefined layouts like: header/body, header/body/footer, header/left/body/footer and etc...
3. Template/component extraction (this one I heard from Alexander Smirnov) - select region/node in current jsp and then convert it into facelet component/template. Vice versa case also could be useful but it is not a priority.
4. Search for facelets elements references
5. Refactoring (is based on 4):
- renaming/moving template files
- renaming facelet elements like ui:insert@name value
6. Content assist improvements (see Maxim example)
7. Content assist Templates (see XML templates for XML editor or ant build.xml editor)
8. .... list is still open you name it
5. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
ilya_shaikovsky Mar 10, 2010 6:46 AM (in response to dgolovin)6. Content assist improvements (see Maxim example)
yes.. something like that. Sorry again for maybe non-informative request.
- I'm using some outputPanel with id = "renderFromSomeChildPages" in template "main.xhtml"
- client page page1.xhtml uses that template <ui:composition template="mai.xhtml">
- page1.xhtml has a4j:command*. So if I'm trying to add reRender attribute and invoke CA there - suggestions contains id's only from that child page. How about to look to template(main.xhtml) also and suggest renderFromSomeChildPages also?
6. Re: Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's
dgolovin Mar 17, 2010 3:44 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)Yep, that's another use case for content assist improvements. All what we need to define all first class objects in facelets templating and build model on top of it to use it everywhere: content assist, search, refactoring and validation.