5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 9, 2010 3:32 PM by clebert.suconic

    MDB non-durable topic subscription results in queue flooding


      I am using HornetQ 2.0 GA with JBoss 4.2.1.  I have successfully integrated HornetQ and have my MDBs ingesting messages sent through a remote HornetQ server (the provider is JBoss 5.1/HornetQ 2.0 GA).  I am seeing that every time I reload my application and thus redeploy my MDBs more queues are being created for topic addresses.  Specifically I am seeing one queue per topic/session instance.  We are running on a good size application server farm (30+ machines) and have 15 sessions per MDB.  Given these numbers the queue count for topic addresses will quickly become out of control.  I find this especially bad as most of the queues will not have any subscribers as they are disconnected with each application stop/start. Am I doing something wrong or is this expected behavior?  If it is expected behavior is there a way around this?  I have looked into created durable subscriptions but it looks like that would restrict me to 1 session/subscription per mdb as the subscription name/clientId is shared for the set up of all sessions per mdb.


      Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
