5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 10, 2010 6:22 AM by harut

    Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree

      Hi all,

      I need to develop a rich:tree where the root elements are created at startup and the leaf nodes when you click on the single leaf nodes. In other words I need to add leaf nodes programmatically. Looking at the examples I've added an index.jsp with:


        <rich:tree id="tree" style="width:300px" nodeSelectListener="#{simpleTreeBean.processSelection}"
                      reRender="tree" ajaxSubmitSelection="true" 
                      value="#{simpleTreeBean.treeNode}" var="item" ajaxKeys="#{null}">


      This is an extract from SimpleTreeBean:


      public class SimpleTreeBean {
          private TreeNode rootNode = null;
          private List<String> selectedNodeChildren = new ArrayList<String>();     
          . . . . .
          private void loadTree() {
              rootNode = new TreeNodeImpl();
              TreeNodeImpl childNode = new TreeNodeImpl();
              childNode.setData(new Pojo("rootNode","root"));
              rootNode.addChild("1", childNode);


              TreeNodeImpl childChildNode1 = new TreeNodeImpl();
              childChildNode1.setData(new Pojo("childChildNode1","node1"));
              childNode.addChild("1.1", childChildNode1);


              TreeNodeImpl childChildNode2 = new TreeNodeImpl();
              childChildNode2.setData(new Pojo("childChildNode2","node2"));
              childNode.addChild("1.2", childChildNode2);
          public void processSelection(NodeSelectedEvent event) {

              HtmlTree tree = (HtmlTree) event.getComponent();
              TreeNode currentNode = tree.getModelTreeNode(tree.getRowKey());
              TreeNodeImpl childChildNode2 = new TreeNodeImpl();
              childChildNode2.setData(new Pojo("childChildNode2","new node"));
              currentNode.addChild("2.1", childChildNode1);   

      . . . .



      When I click on a node, the processSelection is correclty invoked however I cannot see new nodes added, just the leaf nodes is turned into an empty folder....I don't know if it's just a matter of refreshing the rich:tree or my approach is completely wrong (maybe I should use an expand listener or something else).

      Any help ?

      thanks a lot


        • 1. Re: Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree



          from tree definition.

          • 2. Re: Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree



            >from tree definition.


            Unfortunately it doesn't work.

            I have tried another approach, using an Ajax button to add new nodes but it still doesn't work......


            <rich:tree id="tree" style="width:300px" nodeSelectListener="#{simpleTreeBean.processSelection}"
                            value="#{simpleTreeBean.treeNode}" var="item" >
            <a4j:commandButton value="submit" action="#{simpleTreeBean.newNodes}" reRender="tree"></a4j:commandButton>


            This is the core section of simpleTreeBean:


            public class SimpleTreeBean {
                private TreeNode rootNode = null;
                private List<String> selectedNodeChildren = new ArrayList<String>();   
                private String nodeTitle;


                . . . . . .
                private void addNodes(String path, TreeNode node, Properties properties) {
                    boolean end = false;
                    int counter = 1;
                    while (!end) {
                        String key = path != null ? path + '.' + counter : String.valueOf(counter);


                        String value = properties.getProperty(key);
                        if (value != null) {
                            TreeNodeImpl nodeImpl = new TreeNodeImpl();
                            node.addChild(new Integer(counter), nodeImpl);
                            addNodes(key, nodeImpl, properties);
                        } else {
                            end = true;
                private void loadTree() {

                    try {
                        Properties properties = new Properties();
                        properties.put("1.1","AAA 1.1");
                        properties.put("1.1.1","AAA 1.2");
                        properties.put("2.1","BBB 2.1");
                        properties.put("2.1.1","BBB 2.2");
                        rootNode = new TreeNodeImpl();
                        addNodes(null, rootNode, properties);
                    } catch ( Exception e) {
                        throw new FacesException(e.getMessage(), e);
                public void newNodes() {
                        Properties properties = new Properties();
                        properties.put("3.1","CCC 3.1");
                        properties.put("3.1.1","CCC 3.2");
                        addNodes(null, rootNode, properties);




            The method newNodes gets fired but actually no nodes are added to the tree. Please can anybody help me, I'm struggling with this problem since many days.......



            • 3. Re: Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree

              Hi Ermes,


              There is a coding problem in your addNodes(...) function, it doesn't really add nodes when newNodes() is called.

              • 4. Re: Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree

                Hi Nick,

                thanks for replying. Well the function addNodes is actually used in the loadTree method to populate initially the rich:tree.

                The tree is correclty loaded at startup....but I cannot add nodes afterwards, when I click the ajax button.....:-(

                • 5. Re: Adding nodes programmatically to a rich:tree

                  why the value of the rich:tree is "#{simpleTreeBean.treeNode}"  ???

                  Based on your code it should be "#{simpleTreeBean.rootNode}"

                  (ofcourse if you didn't have such a getter method -- "getTreeNode { return rootNode; }")