0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 10, 2010 5:03 PM by jodeen

    Different Hibernate versions in different Web-Apps

      Is it possible for different web-apps running on the same JBoss instance to use different versions of Hibernate as their JPA implementation?


      So for instance you have one web-app that is using JPA with Hibernate 3.3 (and bundles all the hibernate jars in its web-inf/lib) and another web-app that is in the same situation but using Hibernate 3.4.


      Basically I'm migrating a set of web-apps over from Glassfish and we were able to do this on there (complete separation between the apps) but the only way that I've been able to get it to run on JBoss (5.1) so far is to completely remove the hibernate jars from web-inf/lib and just use the ones bundled with the app server.

