0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 12, 2010 1:52 AM by sksumit1

    Passing id of a component inside a rich:tree..........help :(

      <rich:tree id="treeForContract"
                              value="#{nominationDetailsContractBacking.tree}" var="node"
                              switchType="client" style="margin : 0 0 0 170px;">
                                  <h:inputText value="#{node.nodeName}"
                                      style="border: 0px;width:70px;FONT-SIZE: 11px;text-align:left;" readonly="true"/>
                                  <rich:spacer width="#{node.nodeAlign}" />
                                  <h:inputText value="#{node.nodeAllocation}"
                                      style="border: 0px;width:70px;FONT-SIZE: 11px;text-align:left;" readonly="true"/>
                                  <rich:spacer width="80" />
                                  <h:inputText value="#{node.distributerName}" id="d1"  onkeyup="authorize(id);">
                                  <a:region renderRegionOnly="true" id="region" >
                                      <rich:suggestionbox  for="d1" width="200" height="200"
                                          suggestionAction="#{nominationDetailsContractBacking.suggestionActionForName}" var="disName">
                                              <h:outputText value="#{disName.name}" />
                                  <rich:spacer width="40"></rich:spacer>
                                  <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{node.nodeDeleteFlag}" id="auth">
                                      <a:support actionListener="#{nominationDetailsContractBacking.putCISinSession(node)}"
                                      event="onclick" eventsQueue="inputQueue"/>
                                  <h:inputHidden value="#{node.nodeKeyId}" />
                                  <h:inputHidden value="#{node.nodeId}" />
                                  <rich:separator lineType="solid" width="430px" style="margin: 2px 0 0 #{node.nodeAlign + 45}px;" />



                          function authorize(caller){
                              var value=caller.lastIndexOf(":")
                              var num = new Number(value);
                              var result=caller.substring(0,num+1);
                              var authorizedValue=document.getElementById(result.concat("auth")).checked;
                              if(authorizedValue == false){


      I want to click the checkbox "auth" when something is getting selected from "d1". The click works fine , but the suggestion box disappears and i have to search again to get the suggestion box popup. I tried calling the javascript from the suggestion box itself, but at run time a style tag encapsulates the javascript call and it doesn't have an id. Please help me in solving this problem.