1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2010 7:45 PM by bjchip

    Logging problem with classloader


      Owing to the politics of the workplace the jboss4.2.3.GA that we are using is NOT running (on RHEL5.4) in the same place as a usable JDK (javac) and we have to manually point everything at a valid JRE as the default goes to Websphere...  


      SO  installing hornetq into jboss can't be done using the build script for as4 in the system.


      SO  I did this on another system running RHEL5.4 and jboss4.2.3.GA installation with similar hardware and pushed the resulting all-with-hornetq over to the jboss on the target and copied it into (we'll call it for now) "myCluster" so it would remain intact.  Then I copied the .so files into bin and away we went. 


      SO we have a JBOSS4.2.3GA on RHEL5.4 with an all-with-hornetq profile installed.


      It booted OK while we were turning it into our system and then as I added some additional environment and jboss-log4j.xml into the environment, it started bouncing out the following:


      Warn [org.jboss.system.ServiceController] Problem starting service org.hornetq:service=HornetQJMSStarterService


      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:  Error instantiating transformer class "org.hornETq.integration.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory"

      at org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HorentQServerImpl.instantiateInstance(HornetQServerImpl.java:1458)


      Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFountException: No ClassLoaders found for:  org.horneETq.integration.logging.Log4jLogDelegateFactory

        at org.jboss.mx.loading.LoadMgr3.beginLoadTask(LoadMgr3.java:212)



      Which is not something I wanted to see. 


      I am backing stuff out now, trying to work out what exactly is missing/wrong, but I could use some expert advice here. 


      It almost works but I am not  familiar with the guts of jboss classloaders and could use some assistance.


      (grrr... I was better off with the standalone... more politicking)




        • 1. Re: Logging problem with classloader

          Well, that was simple.


          Was interrupted in editing the hornetq-configuration.xml.


          It somehow obtained those odd caps in the org.hornETq.... classname in that line




          Which led to the problem loading the class.  Problem was that I hadn't consciously or intentionally altered the line.


          Primitive access to the server.   A typo.

          xml is nothing more than the assembly language of the web.




