1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 15, 2010 1:46 PM by ilya_shaikovsky

    rich:message passed marker is initialy (page loaded)displaying without validation input.

      Problem: rich:message passed marker is initialy displaying without validation input.

      Expected: Inital ,input text should not contain passed marker/error marker I.e blank marker, if user provided a valiate input then the passed marker otherwise error marker.Pls see screen short and suggest for the code changes.







           <h:inputText value="#{sim.siminfo.simname}" id="simName" size="28" maxlength="10" styleClass="textfield">


                <rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur" />



           <rich:message for="simName" passedLabel="No errors" showSummary="true">
                 <f:facet name="errorMarker">
                       <h:graphicImage url="/image/error.png"/>
                 <f:facet name="passedMarker">
                       <h:graphicImage url="/image/passed.png"/>
