4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2010 10:32 AM by evialxg

    ontabenter vs action in rich:tab


      Is want to rerender a region within a tab when tab is entered or clicked:


      I have tried it with ontabenter and ontabclick, but action is not fired:


      Version 1:


      <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax">

      <rich:tab label="My Tab">


      <a4j:support event="ontabenter" action="#{myBean.doAction}" reRender="myDiv"/>


      <s:div id="myDiv">



      When using this version, action is fired and all works:;


      Version 2:



      <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax">

      <rich:tab label="My Tab" action="#{myBean.doAction}"  reRender="myDiv">

      <s:div id="myDiv">



      But the problem with Version 2 is, that I need a form around the whole component, and this is not what I want.


      How can I make Version 1 to work?

        • 1. Re: ontabenter vs action in rich:tab
          try  the event onlabelclick of the tab.
          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: ontabenter vs action in rich:tab

            thanks, I changed the label text to a commandLink and wrap that within a form - this works.

            • 3. Re: ontabenter vs action in rich:tab

              Oh the thread is not answered:)


              I need to fire the action when tab is changed, so onlabelclick or the following version does not help me, because I have to click the label of the tab and not the tab itself.


              Why does "ontabenter" not work?



              <rich:tab label="mylabel">
              <a4j:support event="ontabenter" action="#{bean.myAction}" reRender="region"/>

              <div id="region">



              • 4. Re: ontabenter vs action in rich:tab

                I have no idea why the ontabenter does not work...I realized it too a few days ago.. I just did this :


                  <rich:tab label="mylabel" onlabelclick="someAj4Function()">


                and whenever the user clicks the tab the action inside the jsFunction is executed...

                I haven't seen any difference between clicking the tab and clicking the label..