1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 22, 2010 5:38 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    a4j:commandButton vs h:commandButton (form submission vs partial update)




      I am working on a small jboss seam web app and I update value from rich modal panel and re-render in data table.

      The problem is:
      After editing, if I go other page and come back by pressing browser's back button, the updated value changes back to the original value (prior to update.)


      If I hit "Save" button from below, back ground page displays correct updated value.


      <a4j:commandButton id="save" value="Save"
            reRender="kpataFormMp1, kpata, panel"
            data="#{facesContext.maximumSeverity.ordinal ge 2}"
            oncomplete="if(data == false) Richfaces.hideModalPanel('kpataMp1');">
      and I go to other page and come back by pressing browser's back button, the value changes back to the original value.
      Why am I having this behavior? What is solution for that?


      If I use this, I don't have that problem, but I am using the above for validation purpose.


      <h:commandButton id="savetest" value="h:commandButton Save"
            action="#{countyHome.update}" />


      I think this is because a4j:commandButton is a partial page update. Is there any way that I can submit a form by using a4j:commandButton? Or is there a better way/correct way to do this?


      I hope somebody has solution for this.


      thanks in advance.

