1. Re: Community Track Nominations
alesj Mar 23, 2010 4:02 AM (in response to akandel)Title: Using CDI and OSGi services in JBossAS
Target audience: JBoss app. server (core) service developers
JBoss Application Server has always been well known for its easy to configure services in the form of JMX MBeans, with some extensions to allow dependencies between the services and to give services a lifecycle. In JBoss Application Server 5 we introduced a new kernel architecture based on the JBoss Microcontainer, which allows for extensible component models. While the Microcontainer natively supports simple POJOs, support for legacy MBeans is still available, and you can even have dependencies between normal MC beans and the MBeans.With CDI (JBoss Weld/JSR-299) and OSGi getting more and more traction, we have already introduced these as two new component models in the Microcontainer. You can for example write services using the standard JSR-299 annotations or OSGi API and leverage the underlying application server services, meaning you can write services in a spec compliant way! In this presentation we will show how to apply and use this new component model architecture, and how to potentially extend it to support your own component models.Agenda:- Short Microcontainer (MC) introduction
- Developing services with MC in JBossAS
- Why and how to use CDI?
- Why and how to use OSGi?
- Extending the MC component model
- Q&A
Speaker/s:Ales Justin - JBoss Microcontainer Lead, Red HatKabir Khan - JBoss Microcontainer Core Developer, Red Hat -
2. Re: Community Track Nominations
aslak Mar 24, 2010 6:04 PM (in response to akandel)Title:
The Future of Java EE Testing
Target Audience:
Java EE / Framework users/developers
Arquillian is a new testing effort from JBoss.org giving you the ability to test your application inside the application server. To minimize the burden on developers, Arquillian integrates with familiar testing frameworks allowing reuse of tools such as JUnit/TestNG IDE plugin and Maven Surefire.
Senior software engineer Aslak Knutsen, from JBoss by Red Hat Inc., will demonstrate how you can benefit from its use. He will give in-depth details of the internal architecture and an overview of how Arquillian relates to other JBoss.org projects like Jboss Embedded AS, Weld, Seam and ShrinkWrap.The presentation will demonstrate the following topics:- setup of your maven project
- writing and running the test cases
- using ShrinkWrap to define your deployment
- how to test MDB/EJB/CDI/Seam3 and other EE related technologies
Aslak Knutsen – Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Aslak is currently a Senior Software Engineer for the Seam team at Red Hat, Inc. where he is works with projects such as Weld, Seam 3, Arquillian and ShrinkWrap. Previously, Aslak was a Senior Consultant at Conduct AS (working with JBoss related technologies) and Senior Developer at EDB ASA (working with electronic billing/banking systems).
3. Re: Community Track Nominations
edgar.silva Mar 25, 2010 2:24 PM (in response to akandel)Title: Innovative ideas for Integration Solutions through JBoss ESB
Target Audience:
Java/SOA/Integration Developers & Architects
JBoss ESB is not only one of the best opensource ESBs in the market nowadays, but is also a very easy solution to learn, allowing you to create highly scalable SOA Architectures. Because its capabilities are very easy to extend, JBoss ESB fits well as a suitable platform either for a Central Solution for Systems Integration, or as a Foundationfor ISVs, creating very sophisticated products for the Systems Integration niche.
In this presentation, we will show how to create new Listeners/Gateways for JBoss ESB, showing a practical example
involving GoogleDocs, OpenFire/XMPP/GoogleTalk Protocol and a special way for integrating with Apache Camel. This presentation will be very "demo-like", counting on only a few slides and having a lot of live demos and source code.
Edgar A Silva - Middleware Lead, Red Hat Brazil
Edgar Silva is an IT Architect, Teacher and Speaker from Brazil working with Java and Distributed Computing since 1998. For the past 3 years, He has worked for Red Hat as Middleware Lead for the Brazilian market. Edgar was one of the people responsible for bringing JBoss Enterprise offerings and solutions based on JBoss Technologies for SOA projects, Portals and Large Scale Application Servers deployments in Brazil and has worked extensively in several business and industry sectors, including Finance, Telecos and Government. Furthermore, since 2000, Edgar speaks for executive and technical audiences in many national and international conferences, such as JavaOne (2006 and 2007) and JBossWorld (2009). Edgar has founded the largest Java User Group in Brazilian Amazon Region: BelJUG, as well as the Brazilian JBoss User Group: JBUG: Brasil.
4. Re: Community Track Nominations
dmlloyd Mar 26, 2010 9:11 AM (in response to akandel)Title: JBoss Marshalling - A Better Serialization Framework
Target Audience: Any Java developer who uses Java Serialization
Java object serialization is a notion that is losing popularity in the face of myriad portable object serialization formats and libraries. However, Serializable and Externalizable objects are still at the core of many applications and frameworks today. These applications are stuck with classic Java serialization, which does not scale well in many usage patterns, and has many API limitations.
JBoss Marshalling is a zero-dependency framework which allows pluggable marshalling implementations (multiple protocols), flexible configuration (performance tuning, pluggable object and class resolvers and tables, and pluggable externalizers), as well as a powerful cloning API, and is designed for scalability whether you're dealing with small or large messages. This talk will illustrate the framework API and usage examples.
David M. Lloyd, Senior Software Engineer, JBoss, a division of Red Hat, Inc.
David M. Lloyd has been a software engineer with Red Hat since 2006, developing JBoss Remoting and JBossAS. He is composed primarily of bio-degradable materials, and grows best in even amounts of sunlight and shade, but should never be fed after midnight.
5. Re: Community Track Nominations
soshah Mar 26, 2010 9:51 AM (in response to akandel)Title:
PicketLink AuthZ - A Rule-based Authorization Framework
Target Audience:
Java Application Developers/Java Container Developers
PicketLink AuthZ is a Rule based Authorization Framework. It provides the ability to create complex security rules taking into account valuable contextual data. Security “Facts” can include Identity, Roles/Groups, Arbitrary Http Headers, Java Method parameters, Java Fields, Date/Time information, IP Address information, etc. There is no restriction on what information can be used for making an access decision. This is a breakway from frameworks that are designed primarily around the concept of "user roles and permissions".
Technical Features:
Built on top of a standards compliant XACML rule engine (implementation: JBossXACML)
Externalizes Security (Logic + Data) from the core application
A developer friendly component API (insulation from low-level XACML details)
A common/central SecurityManager for all your applications, without having to write/maintain a separate Security subsystem for each functional module
Dynamic Policy Provisioning (no need to restart application/cluster)
Sohil Shah - Software Engineer, Red Hat
Sohil Shah is a software engineer on the Portal development team. He focuses on the security aspects of the portal such as Authorization and Single Sign On.
6. Re: Community Track Nominations
anil.saldhana Mar 26, 2010 11:20 AM (in response to soshah)Title:
PicketLink Single Sign on for Applications on JBossAS
Target Audience:
Java Application Developers
PicketLink (http://jboss.org/picketlink) is a jboss.org project that specializes in Identity Management and Federated Identity. In this session, we will look at strategies for SSO with JBossAS and talk about support for SAML, WS-Trust and OpenID for applications running on JBossAS.
Anil Saldhana - Lead Security Architect, JBoss. -
7. Re: Community Track Nominations
cbrock Mar 26, 2010 11:35 AM (in response to akandel)Title:
Next Generation Web Applications using GWT and JBoss
Target Audience:
Web Developers, Enterprise Application Architects
The presentation will cover an overview of where web applications are going, how we think it applies to the world at large, and how it applies to JBoss. The first part of the presentation will be a high-level discussion about thinking of the web browser as a platform. As opposed to a simple HTML renderer.
We will transition into showing what we've been doing with Errai, demonstrating the console work that Heiko has done with Riftsaw which is built atop Errai, as well as showing how our Message Bus framework allows you to extend other JBoss technologies like HornetQ, Weld CDI, and JBoss ESB in new and powerful ways that were not possible before. This will consist of a hands on development demo.Speaker/s:
Mike Brock, Senior Software Engineer / Project Lead, JBoss
Heiko Braun, Senior Software Engineer, JBoss
8. Re: Community Track Nominations
marius.bogoevici Apr 1, 2010 11:26 AM (in response to akandel)Title:
CDI and Weld for Spring Users
Target Audience:
Java Developers/Architects who are using Spring and JBoss
A significant portion of the JBoss user community uses Spring for their applications. With the advent of Java EE 6 and Spring 3, how can they benefit from Java EE 6's standardization of development concerns such as dependency injection and contextual instance management, without investing in a general overhaul of their existing code?
The presentation is highly-technical, and developer oriented, addressing concerns such as:
- why would I want to use CDI if I'm using Spring, after all?
- how to use Spring in such a way that it can easily interoperate with CDI?
- how to reuse existing Spring code when building a CDI application?
- are there any differences of interpretation?
- what happens underneath, from a technical standpoint - what to pay attention to?
- what is Seam 3 offering in terms of interoperating with Spring?
The last part will include a demonstration of using the JBoss Tools CDI support as well as the Spring IDE to create a Spring/CDI mixed application.Speaker/s:
Marius Bogoevici is a Senior Software Engineer with Red Hat, leading the JBoss AS/Spring integration efforts. He is currently the lead for Snowdrop, a utility package that contains JBoss-specific extensions to the Spring Framework, and for Seam 3's Spring interoperability module. He makes regular contributions to Weld, the JSR-299 Reference Implementation.
9. Re: Community Track Nominations
deruelle_jean Apr 2, 2010 11:41 AM (in response to akandel)Title: Mobicents Reloaded (aka 2.0), The Open Source Communications Platform
Target audience: Telco or Converged (Mixed Telco and Web/JEE) Java Developers & Architects.
With the advent of IP Convergence, the latest generation of enterprise and web applications are now integrating seamlessly telecommunications and mobile features to enhance the overall user experience, increase customer retention and generate new sources of revenue. Discover how Mobicents 2.0 can help you build those true innovative converged applications through its main components, fully integrated into the JBoss 5 Application Server :
- JAIN SLEE 1.1 (JSR 240) container :http://p/mobicents/a high-performance, scalable and fault tolerant Service Level Execution Environment designed to support the rapid development of robust telecommunications applications in Java
- SIP Servlets 1.1 (JSR 289) container : a container based model that is an extension of the well understood HTTP Servlet model for Telecommunications Over IP applications. It was designed to simplify the development of SIP based applications and convergence with existing or new Java EE applications
- Media Server (JSR 309) : deliver best-of-breed media gateway functionality to add IVR, Conference,Announcements and recording features to your applications featuring highest quality and allowing you to bridge to the existing legacy phone infrastructure.
- Diameter : A complete stack allowing you to add to your Telco applications some must-have real world features - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting - to add charging features to your telco applications.
- SIP Presence Server : Provides presence functionalities to SIP-based networks to enhance your application with Buddy Lists, Presence State, Geo-Location, Message typing information, ...
It will also show real world examples how telecoms leverage Mobicents for innovative converged Telco 2.0 applications.
Speaker/s:Jean Deruelle - Mobicents SIP Servlets Lead, Red Hat -
10. Re: Community Track Nominations
caniszczyk Apr 2, 2010 10:49 AM (in response to akandel)Title:
Zen and the Art of API Management
Target Audience:
Java Developers, Enterprise Application Architects
API's are fundamental for designing and maintaining quality components that are meant to last. Inside the Eclipse platform, we always had a challenge of designing and maintaining API contracts and invented some creative ways to do it. From having people act as "API Police" to manual checking, we learned a lot lessons a long the way in regards to what it means to manage API to build a solid platform. As a result of our lessons learned, we now have first-class tooling to support the design, implementation and maintenance of APIs. Eclipse provides API Tooling to support binary compatibility checking, API usage scanning, migration assistance and version numbering management. Attendees will learn about some of the painful (and funny) lessons learned by the Eclipse platform team and how to apply API Tooling in their projects.Speaker:
Chris Aniszczyk, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Chris Aniszczyk is the technical lead for the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) project and a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is the co-author of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform book and tends to be be all over the place inside the Eclipse community by mentoring a variety of Eclipse projects. He sits on the Eclipse Architecture Council, Eclipse Planning Council and has the honor to represent the Eclipse committers on the Eclipse Foundation's Board of Directors. Chris’s passions are modularity, blogging, tooling and anything Eclipse-related. He’s always available to discuss open source over a frosty beverage.
11. Re: Community Track Nominations
lincolnthree Apr 8, 2010 3:20 PM (in response to akandel)Title:
Beautiful Java EE - Use PrettyFaces to Harness SEO, Improve User Experience, and Ease Development
Target Audience:
Web Application Developers, Marketing Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Java EE is already the perfect solution for complex business/enterprise systems, and JSF 2.x is the perfect chance to reach out to the consumer and small business market. JSF is easier to use than it's ever been before, but small businesses have different needs than larger companies and corporations. PrettyFaces is for all projects, small and large; this session will present why "pretty, bookmark-able URLs" are important for client-facing applications, addressing SEO optimization, and creating clean, consistent, intuitive client interactions on the web.
How PrettyFaces works: The talk introduces you to URL rewriting, storing contextual information, and managing page configuration data with address and query parameters (resource identification, table pagination, data filters.) PrettyFaces' centralized approach uses URLs to retain the state of pages, meaning less information must be stored in session or application scoped beans.Rethinking navigation: Navigation from the eye of the client. JSF supports page flows well, but managing simple transitions from one page to another can be complex. Examples of PrettyFaces integrated navigation, hyper-linking via outbound URL-rewriting, and Components will show how developers gain increased control over all aspects of navigation out of the box, and how this is accomplished without extra configuration.
SEO: You will be presented with concepts of how to improve client experience, confidence, and trust through creating a consistent look and feel - the importance the browser URL plays an in establishing and trust through all client interactions.Speaker/s:
Lincoln Baxter, III - Senior Software Engineer, JBoss by Red Hat Inc.
Creator of PrettyFaces
– URL Rewriting and SEO extensions for JSF, PrettyTime
– Social-style date & time formatting for Java, member of the JBoss Seam Team, and a member of the JSF2 Expert Group; his latest project is ScrumShark
, an open-source agile project management tool.
When he is not swimming, running, or playing Ultimate Frisbee, Lincoln is focused on improving the openness of Java, the Java Community Process(JCP), and bringing the J2EE platform to small businesses and freelancers. Stay current on his latest open-source developments by subscribing to his blog at ocpsoft.com
, or following him on twitter
12. Re: Community Track Nominations
maeste Apr 15, 2010 3:52 PM (in response to akandel)Title: TestedBy: Tracking your test cases' metadata using annotations and Javassist
Target Audience: All Java developers
Javassist allows a developer to instrument classes at load time and thereby
keep track of method invocations when running JUnit test cases.The purpose of the TestedBy project (http://code.google.com/p/testedby/) is to
collect metadata that represents the links between the class under test and the
test classes.The metadata will generated based on annotations on the classes under test or
instrumentation of test classes during test execution.This metadata can then be used for various tasks like running only tests stressing a particular set of classes
(f.ex. classes changed since last compilation) or give a graphical representation to provide a better understanding of the
entire test suite.TestedBy will change your view of TDD: You should focus on the class being tested; you will consider the test as
the well-defined contract of your classes or interfaces that defines your API.I'll discuss how TestedBy does all this magically when you run the tool using Apache Maven or Apache Ant.
System architect focused on Java technology with large experience in heterogeneous environments. Currently focused in SOA area and TDD/BDD.
I'm a very active open source developer: I'm leading TestedBy and Wise project and I'm a committer on JBoss AS, ModShape, JBossWS, JBossESB.
13. Re: Community Track Nominations
maeste Apr 15, 2010 3:53 PM (in response to akandel)Title: Wise: Invoke Your Services Easily
Target Audience: Application developers using web services in an application server environment
or an enterprise service bus (ESB) environment.
Abstract:The Wise project is building a Java framework to invoke web services easily,
usable as base for a zero-code web service invocation application.Wise could be a solution when you need a total and effective decoupling of the client
and server using WS to interoperate. It’s matter of fact that wsconsume
tools is great for Java developers, generating needed stub classes, but it
introduces a new (or renewed :)) level of coupling very similar to CORBA
IDL. Generating a web service stub you are in fact coupling the client
and the server.• Wise core:
• Support of WS-*
• Integration in ESB
• One line WS calls
• API to explore the dynamic generated stubs• Wise-wegui:
• A tool to help business analysts during validation tests of WS
• The legacy web GUI and how it has been used in my company during the last year
• The upcoming GWT gui• LMS: Logging Meta Service
• The Wise Code donation: why have I donated my pet project to JBoss.orgSpeaker:
System architect focused on Java technology with large experience in heterogeneous environments. Currently focused in SOA area and TDD/BDD.
I'm a very active open source developer: I'm leading TestedBy and Wise project and I'm a committer on JBoss AS, ModShape, JBossWS, JBossESB.
14. Re: Community Track Nominations
roklee Apr 18, 2010 11:26 PM (in response to akandel)Title: High performance messaging with HornetQ
Target Audience:
Java/SOA/Integration Developers & Architects
HornetQ is the highest performance open source messaging system to date and also is very easy to embed inside your solution and create a complex messaging fabric inside your enterprise. It can also be integrated with other JBoss projects such as JBoss ESB and JBoss AS.
In this presentation, we will briefly introduce HornetQ and some real world use cases such as multi data center clustering, message monitoring and propiertary MQ systems integration using HornetQ advanced concepts such as Bridges and Diverts. With integrate two applications using a hand-ons example. This example will also involve Apache Camel and a cluster of HornetQ servers for load balancing and high availability.
Diego Naya - CTO - Roklee.com
Diego Naya is an open source developer involved with Drools and HornetQ.