1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 1, 2010 8:12 AM by kksachin1

    subTable and sorting through the whole table


      hello all,


      has anybody experience about subTable.


      because the ExtendedDataTable is very slow I try to use dataTable.

      So I try to implement grouping features with subTables. Is this the right way to do it??


      I have a following object:


      private ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>> subTableModel = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>>();



      <rich:dataTable value="#{searchModul.subTableModel}" var="data1" id="extTable2"
                  width="500px" height="600px" sortMode="single" selectionMode="single"
                   rows="25" status="commonstatus">

           <rich:column  colspan="#{searchModul.columnCount}">
                      <h:outputText value="Ueberschrift" />

                              var="expense" value="#{data1}">
                       <rich:columns id="col2_#{col}" value="#{userbbean.columns}"
                       var="col" index="ind">   
                         <h:outputText value="#{expense[ind]}"></h:outputText>


      I can see all data, but I dont know how should I implement the sorting and filtering options about the whole table.

      is it possible???


      thank you