0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2010 5:17 PM by tom.thomas

    Configuring JBoss for SSL - where does the cert go?


      It's fairly straight forward to do this. The 8443 configuration is specified in the server.xml file. This is where the truststore is specified.

      All the examples I have seen say to create the keystore in the jboss/conf folder and import the cert to it. It works just fine and probably I

      should leave well enough alone. But I can't.


      The question, is there some reason not to just use the cacerts file that comes the installed jvm? That's where I store certificates required by third part software I integrate into my apps.  I actually tried using the cacerts file and jboss threw a bunch of errors at me that seem to indicate the cacerts store was not SSL compliant. Any ideas?



