1. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
sean171 Feb 2, 2010 4:43 PM (in response to sean171)More on this, the EJB is annotated as,
clientBindUrl = ""
It seems to be related with http://community.jboss.org/thread/111231
This behavior change is sort of insidious.
2. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
ron_sigal Feb 20, 2010 8:24 PM (in response to sean171)Hi Dongjun,
Are you saying that with the same version of the Application Server, with everything else the same, one version of JBossRemoting works and a later version doesn't? Or is the problem related to an upgrade in the Application Server?
3. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
sean171 Feb 23, 2010 10:08 PM (in response to ron_sigal)We keep AppServer unchanged (4.2.0) and only tried to upgrade jboss-remoting to newer versions. There seems to be a jboss-remoting-integration.jar or some such, which is also kept unchanged. Thx,
4. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
ron_sigal Apr 4, 2010 9:44 PM (in response to sean171)Hi Dongjun,
The EJB proxies aren't created by Remoting, so I don't understand how changing the version of Remoting would change affect this behavior. Have you made any progress?
5. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
sean171 Apr 5, 2010 10:37 AM (in response to ron_sigal)Not knowing much about the interactions between the EJB layer and the remoting framework. But here's what seems to get the problem going away aftering changing the client binding url,
clientBindUrl = "https://:443/servlet-invoker/SSLServerInvokerServlet"
The difference is to dop the host part of "". Although the url is *not* a complete one missing the host part, that seems to do the trick.
6. Re: Remote client receives 'connection refused'
ron_sigal Apr 5, 2010 11:24 AM (in response to sean171)Thanks, Dongjun.