1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 12, 2010 12:38 PM by nbelaevski

    DataScroller "visual" customization

      I have a question about customization on Richfaces component, DataScroller. First of all, hey folks, I am a newbie using Richfaces, I started working on this last week.


      We are using JSF 1.1 / Richfaces 3.3.

      We have to make dynamic the content of a DataTable. Our structure is like this :
      - scroller 1
      - datatable
      - scroller 2
      For the scroller1, we only need and want to enable the "previous page" feature. On the contrary, for scroller2 we just want the "next page" feature.
      The problem is that I found (sorry if I missed it) no clean way of visually removing the "first/last/etc" items. Is there ? Or must I re-code the functionnalities of next/previous page that already are in datascroller component code ?