10 Replies Latest reply on Apr 28, 2010 4:38 AM by msr87

    Configuration.xml issue



      I am trying to deploy a simple HelloWorld portlet consisting of a jsp and servlet. This was developed for Liferay.To use this portlet in GateIn, i added the portlet.xml and I could load this portlet and add it into my page. But i am unable to view this portlet. In portlet.xml i had mentioned:




      Could anyone guide me what should be the content of this configuration.xml?



        • 1. Re: Configuration.xml issue

          There are various examples available here:



          You don't need the part you mention in your portlet.xml but you need to reference your portlet class like done here:



          The whole portlet specification document is available here:


          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Configuration.xml issue

            Hi Thomas,

            Thanks for reference links..It did gave me more info. But the HelloWorld.war i had used for Liferay is different, same is what i want to deploy in GateIn with necessary configuration changes. The portlet class i have referenced is PortletApplicationController. Using this i am able to add the portlet but its not getting rendered. Error is :

            ERROR [org.exoplatform.webui.application.portlet.PortletApplicationController] Error while rendering the porlet
            at org.exoplatform.resolver.ApplicationResourceResolver.getResourceResolver(ApplicationResourceResolver.java:65)...................


            Have attached the .war i am trying to deploy. Can u pls suggest what changes may b required to render this as portlet.


            Many Thanks in Advance!

            • 3. Re: Configuration.xml issue

              Your 'portlet.xml'  in Liferay should work without any changes, except perhaps the  '<portlet-class>' entry.

              1. Try using 'javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet' instead of 'org.exoplatform.webui.application.portlet.PortletApplicationController.

              2. Make sure you have the necessary portlet jars in your project.


              Hope it works for you.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                Thanks for your reply.But i am running to some errors when i changed to <portlet-class>javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet</portlet-class>.

                I used the portlet-bridge-api-1.0.0-beta-2.jar. But i am getting error like:


                Caused by: javax.portlet.PortletException: Can't locate configuration parameter

                defining the bridge class to use for this portlet:HelloWorldPortlet

                at javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet.init(GenericFacesPortlet.java:151)

                at org.gatein.pc.portlet.impl.jsr168.PortletContainerImpl.initPortlet(PortletContainerImpl.java:418)

                at org.gatein.pc.portlet.impl.jsr168.PortletContainerImpl.start(PortletContainerImpl.java:257)


                Do i need to mention anything in a configuration.xml? i am attaching the .war used for this trial.


                Thanks in advance

                • 5. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                  Again, you need a Portlet class you don't have any I think in your project.


                  And you need to specify that class FQN in portlet.xml


                  See the attached example it contains sources and binary (in target/gatein-jsp-hellouser-1.0.0-GA.war)

                  • 6. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                    As Thomas Heute has already pointed out - you are missing some libraries. The Bridge implementation class can be found in 'portlet-bridge-impl-2.0.0-alpha-2.jar', which you don't seem to have in your WEB-INF/lib. You need to add it to your WEB-INF/lib too.



                    Hope it works this time.

                    • 7. Re: Configuration.xml issue



                      there is no sign that "GateIn User" is building a JSF portlet that library and portlet classname are only used for JSF portlets.

                      • 8. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                        Hi Thamos,


                        I am very new to portal development. I have downloaded you zip file and tried !! Its working fine ... thanks ...


                        I have one query :

                                  I am using GateIn Final version. Once I have put the war file into deploy folder then its deploying, but not showing in the home page directly.so that I have done Application Registry->Import Application -> then it comes in the list-> Edit page -> add the application into page.


                        But in JBoss portal same helloworld example directly comes into home page.


                        My question is how to show the portlet and show in the home page directly? and why this import application option ??


                        i have understood creating portal using GateIn UIs but I required to create the portal using code. can you please send me simple tutorial for developing portal in GateIn using through coding?


                        • 9. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                          In GateIn the portlet doesn't specify where it goes, the portal do.


                          The administrator manage the applications that would be available to the people who will compose the pages through the application registry application. Usually in production, you would manage your categories and applications through this application, but during development there is the optional "Import applications" button that import all available applications and automatically organize them in categories.


                          If you want to ship a portal to someone like we do (When you first start the portal it creates several pages and users such as the home page, the site map and the Register page, this is defined by XML descriptors, see the reference guide. As per pure-code, today there is no public API.

                          • 10. Re: Configuration.xml issue

                            Hi Thomas,




                            I have come with new query .


                            If i have already developed Portal application with JBoss and want to migrate into GateIn then How fast I can do this? is there any easy way?


