1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 15, 2010 11:12 AM by peterj

    Which Jars are covered under the (JBoss) LGPL licence...?



      I'm hoping someone can help....


      I've been given the task of collating licence information for our product (based on JBoss) - JBoss is LGPL but also ships with a number of other licences.


      So, is there a definitive list of which Jars are covered under the (JBoss) LGPL licence and which are under one of the other 20+ licences?


      (BTW: I not a programmer per se and don't really know much about JBoss).


      Kind regards,



        • 1. Re: Which Jars are covered under the (JBoss) LGPL licence...?

          JBoss AS 4.0.x and 4.2.x have a file docs/licenses/thirdparty-licenses.xml which listed the licenses for each module, including many of the modules produced by JBoss. Any JBoss-build modules not present in that file are considered part of JBoss AS itself (as opposed to being part of some other JBoss project) and covered under the LGPL.


          This file is no longer present in AS 5.x.