5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 13, 2010 11:41 AM by benli

    scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?




      I developed with Richfaces long ago and will not return to it ;-)

      We have the requirement to display a table-like output with many rows, and would like to use scrollableDataTable for this approach.

      One row has no columns but is a complex HTML construct with an image, header and so on. So my question is: Are you bound to columns in scrollableDataTable, or can we just output any HTML construct as a row?


      Thanks a lot in advance!

        • 1. Re: scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?
          Are you bound to columns in scrollableDataTable



          in order to create custom layouts for iteration data use just a4j:repeat. Unfortunatelly you will lost ajax scrolling capability and will just have to use something like datascroller or just implement scrolling on your own.

          • 2. Re: scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?

            Thanks for clearification. One question to verify before I give the team the bad news:

            A solution with 1 column and custom rendering of these cells is impossible, too? Can you display images in a column?


            Maybe our CSS expert can trick something with classes for each columns...

            • 3. Re: scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?
              any content supported inside the column cells. The only thing you will need to adjust - cell height. It's fixed in order scrolling functionality properly works.
              • 4. Re: scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?



                It will be OK for me to have fixed height for each row in the srollable data table. But can I give the fixed height in JSP, and how to define the row height,  or there is noway to define the row height at all?



                • 5. Re: scrollableDataTable with custom row layout: possible?



                  I figure out how to increase the row height by using style. However, my applet in the cell is cutoff (please see the attachment). How can I make sure the applet is showing in full?



                      .row {

                  height: 160px


                  <rich:scrollableDataTable rowKeyVar="rkv" frozenColCount="2" height="400px"
                                  width="700px" id="carList" rows="40" rowClasses="row" columnClasses="col"
                                  value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category" sortMode="single"