7 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2013 3:33 AM by akshog

    Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside parent



      I use a rich:tree to display object attributes. If an attribute is modified, I want the whole tree are refreshed since some other attributes (e.g. modification time) may be changed by the server. I use <a4j:region> for each treenode because only modified node needs to be submitted. However, <a4j:region> prevents the tree from re-rendering. Here is my simplified code:

      <a4j:form id="propertyForm">
      <rich:tree id="propertytree" value="#{propertyTree.data}" var="item" switchType="client" width="100%" adviseNodeOpened="#{propertyTree.adviseNodeOpened}" nodeFace="#{item.type}" binding="#{propertyTree.propUiTree}">
       <rich:treeNode type="namespace">
       <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
       <rich:treeNode type="Date" data="#{item}">
       <h:outputLabel value="#{item.name}:" />
       <h:outputText id="date_property" value="#{item.stringValue}" />
       <rich:treeNode type="Text">
       <h:outputLabel value="#{item.name}:" for="text_property" />
       <rich:inplaceInput id="text_property" layout="block" immediate="true" selectOnEdit="true" editEvent="ondblclick" defaultLabel="Double Click to Edit" value="#{item.stringValue}" minInputWidth="200px" rendered="#{item.property.editable}">
       <a4j:support event="onviewactivated" reRender="propertytree"/>

      I can see that getStringValue is called for all tree nodes and returned values are correct. However, all tree nodes, except modified node, are not refreshed. Is it a bug or by design? Is there any workaround?


        • 1. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

          Hi, I had a similar problem with <a4j:region>. I don't know if mine is the best solution but what I ended up doing was placing the following in the region I wanted to reRender:

          <a4j:jsFunction name="rerender" reRender="billingDetails" ajaxSingle="true"/>

          and to the a4j:support call in the <a4j:region>, adding:

          It works but can start to get messy if there's a lot of things to reRender so I did wonder if there is a better way of doing it.

          • 2. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

            Thanks, David.

            It solves my problem. I also tried to put <a4j:form> inside each node, but it did not work.


            • 3. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa


              Thank you for reporting the problem: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-6493! I've added workaround description to the issue.

              • 4. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

                Hi Nick,

                If I put a <a4j:outputPanel> around the <rich:tree>, the tree get refreshed. However, I got javascript error: "'this.element' is null or not an object" at the third line of the following code:

                var B=Object.extend({columnCount:0},arguments[1]||{});
                this.selectionManager=new Tree.SelectionManager(this);

                "this" in the above code points to "propertyviewer:propertyForm:propertytree"

                Here is my simplified code:

                <a4j:form id="propertyForm">
                 <a4j:outputPanel id="propertyPanel">
                 <rich:tree id="propertytree" value="#{propertyTree.data}" var="item" switchType="client" style="zoom:1;" width="100%" adviseNodeOpened="#{propertyTree.adviseNodeOpened}" nodeFace="#{item.type}" >
                 <rich:treeNode type="namespace">
                 <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
                 <rich:treeNode type="Text">
                 <h:outputLabel value="#{item.name}:" />
                 <rich:inplaceInput id="text_property" layout="block" immediate="true" selectOnEdit="true" editEvent="ondblclick" defaultLabel="Double Click to Edit" value="#{item.stringValue}" minInputWidth="200px">
                 <a4j:support event="onviewactivated" reRender="propertyPanel"/>

                I also tried to move <a4j:outputPanel> to outside of <a4j:form>, it did not help. If I use <a4j:jsFunction> as David suggested, I don't see the problem.

                Thank you for your time,

                • 5. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

                  As I understand this error occurs after update? Please check then also a4j:log for this request. If there are any errors?

                  • 6. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

                    Hi Ilya,

                    I have some more issues with IE (Version 7 and Javascript debug enabled) when I add a4j:log. When I set popup="false", the log messages are display in the same window, but it does not allow me to select to copy. When I change popup="true", I got "Error: Out of memory " everytime I press "Ctrl" key. Firefox does not have the problems. I can see an error in the log:

                    debug[16:14:24,328]: Evaluate script replaced area in document: // (function() { var tree = new Tree("propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree", "propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree:input", "client", { onselect: "", onexpand: "", oncollapse: "", oncontextmenu: "" }, function(event) { A4J.AJAX.Submit('_viewRoot','propertyviewer:j_id136',event,{'similarityGroupingId':'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree','parameters':{'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree:selectedNode':event.selectedNode} ,'actionUrl':'/ipark/faces/pages/user/workspace.jsp'} ); return false; }, {'showConnectingLines':true} ); tree.drop = function(event,drag){var options = {'similarityGroupingId':'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree','parameters':{'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree':'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree'} ,'actionUrl':'/ipark/faces/pages/user/workspace.jsp'} ;options.parameters['dropTargetId'] = 'propertyviewer:j_id136:propertytree';Object.extend(options.parameters, drag.getParameters());var dzOptions = this.getDropzoneOptions(); if (dzOptions.ondrop) { if (!dzOptions.ondrop.call(this, event)) return; };A4J.AJAX.Submit('_viewRoot','propertyviewer:j_id136',event,options);}; }()); //
                    error[16:14:24,328]: . Error message: this.element has no properties
                    debug[16:14:24,328]: Evaluate script replaced area in document:
                    debug[16:14:24,328]: Script evaluation succeeded
                    debug[16:14:24,328]: call getElementById for id= org.ajax4jsf.oncomplete
                    debug[16:14:24,328]: Processing updates finished, no oncomplete function to call

                    On IE the error messages are a little different:

                    error[16:17:07, 625]: .Error message: Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101.
                    debug[16:17:07, 625]: Evaluate script replaced area in document:
                    error[16:17:07, 625]: .Error message: Invalid argument.
                    debug[16:17:07, 625]: call selectSingleNode for in=org.ajax4j.oncomplete
                    debug[16:17:07, 625]: Processing updates finished, no oncomplete function to call

                    The message does not make sense to me.

                    Thanks for you help.

                    • 7. Re: Component inside <a4j:region> cannot reRender outside pa

                      Hi David,


                      I'm using a <rich:DataTable> which has a4j:status for filtering, pagination and items per page.


                      I would like to have a different status for filtering. So I inserted the filtering region into an a4j:region.

                      The table was not being re-rendered. I tried the solution posted by you, but still the table is not being re-rendered.


                      Here is my code



                      <rich:dataTable id="table" ...>


                           <rich:column id="name" filterMethod="#{bean.filter}">

                                <f:facet name="header">



                                               <h:outputText .../>

                                               <h:inputText ...>

                                                    <a4j:jsFunction name="reRenderer" reRender="table, ds"/>

                                                    <a4j:support event="onkeyup" action="#{bean.resetCurrentPageAfterFiltering}" ignoreDupResponses="true" requestDelay="700" oncomplete="reRenderer();"/>











                      Any help would be great.