3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2010 11:51 AM by sebek64

    Disabling InVM transport not working?




      I'm seeing some strange behavior of ESB (version 4.8). I have a simple service with a jms listener and a custom action (mep=RequestResponse), and with invmScope="NONE". The action hander generates a simple response msg. When I invoke the service from jbpm process, the response is delivered correctly. Jms queue message counter is not increased, so I suppose that InVM transport has been used even when it is disabled.


      However, when I delete the jms listener, the deployment fails saying that there's no capable listener. Am I missing something or is this a bug that should be reported to JIRA?


      -- Marcel

        • 1. Re: Disabling InVM transport not working?

          Put back in the jms listener, but configure an invalid queue name and see what happens.  If it still works, then we have an issue for sure.

          • 2. Re: Disabling InVM transport not working?

            That failed, so I've investigated it further and found that I need to explicitly enable jms queue counters. So now I see the counter increased by 1. But I still wonder how is delivered the reply. Something similar to my code can be found in quickstart/custom_action demo - there's also just a jms listener and the reply message is received.

            • 3. Re: Disabling InVM transport not working?

              The reason why the response is delivered is simple. JBPM sets replyTo address of the message to JbpmCallbackService. But I still don't understand the custom_action demo which uses plain ServiceInvoker. Perhaps the demo doesn't work? I have not tried it.