5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 17, 2011 12:35 PM by langer123

    extendedDataTable groupingColumn



      By default, extendedDataTable groups are expanded when using a groupingColumn.


      Is there a way to have groups rendered collapsed instead?


      (Example of my usage below.)






      <rich:extendedDataTable value="#{reservationCart.avbGear}" id="availableGear" var="gear"
                                                          width="650px" groupingColumn="styleSummary" enableContextMenu="false" selectionMode="none">


      <rich:column sortBy="#{gear.storeSku.sku.style.summary}" width="100px" label="Style" id="styleSummary" visible="false">
                                          <f:facet name="header">
                                              <h:outputText value="Style" />
                                          <h:outputText value="#{gear.storeSku.sku.style.summary}" />


        • 1. Re: extendedDataTable groupingColumn

          no unfortunatelly this feature is not reviewed and improved for such customization and works as it was contributed.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. extendedDataTable groupingColumn



            My first post on the site! Relatively new to Richfaces.


            I was wondering is there any way to extend the extendedDataTable base class to implement this feature?

            It's actually a vital requirement of a feature I need to implement.



            • 3. extendedDataTable groupingColumn

              Hi Thomas,


              Try overriding this method: org.richfaces.component.UIExtendedDataTable.groupIsExpanded(int) or this: org.richfaces.component.UIExtendedDataTable.getState()

              • 4. Re: extendedDataTable groupingColumn

                Thanks Nick.


                Now to a more fundamental question

                As I stated in my previous post, I'm new to JSF and Richfaces.


                Would you be able to provide an example of an to override a component method (All steps and files required)?

                Maybe for some simple component method you have done this on? (Doesnt have to be the extendedDataTable).


                I cant seem to find any end-to-end simple example that shows how to overide an existing Richfaces component.


                Appreciate your help.

                • 5. Re: extendedDataTable groupingColumn

                  I've been trying to figure out how to do this and have the following so far:


                  I've created a custom ExtendedDataTableRenderer renderer as follows:


                  package com.test;


                  import java.io.IOException;


                  import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;

                  import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

                  import org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ExtendedDataTableRenderer;


                  public class HtmlExtendedDataTableRendered extends ExtendedDataTableRenderer



                            public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException


                                      System.out.println("------- in HtmlExtendedDataTableRendered init() -----");


                                      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                                      super.encodeBegin(context, component);




                  And added the following to my faces-config.xml as follows:











                  When I hit a page that has an entendedDataTable component this seems to be working (It is prining the test code to the console).



                  Now I also extended the HtmlExtendedDataTable class as follows:


                  package com.test;


                  import java.io.IOException;

                  import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

                  import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlExtendedDataTable;


                  public class customExtendedDataTable extends HtmlExtendedDataTable {


                       * The renderer type for this component.


                      public static final String RENDERER_TYPE = "com.test.HtmlExtendedDataTableRendered";


                      public customExtendedDataTable() {


                           System.out.println("------- in customExtendedDataTable init() -----");






                      public String getFamily() {

                          return customExtendedDataTable.RENDERER_TYPE;





                     public boolean groupIsExpanded(int index)


                          System.out.println("------- in groupIsExpanded -----");


                          // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                          return super.groupIsExpanded(1);




                     public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException


                          System.out.println("------- in encodeBegin -----");


                          // TODO Auto-generated method stub








                  Nothing is been printed to the console from within this class when I enter a page that has the extendedDataTable component.


                  Could you provide me with some help as to why this is not working please?

