3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 23, 2010 1:53 AM by vickyk

    Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA

      Hi Guys,


      I've created a small JCA Source that is connecting to a Corba Notification channel as push. The connector itself works fine but I guess that I've missed something basilar into ORB setup.

      With a fresh start of Jboss I can see the banner of Jacorb initialization and my project is receiving messages from channel.


      However when I stop my project and restart it I can see the Jacorb banner twice (as the ORB object has been initialized twice).


      Beside implementation details I'm creating ORB instance into endpoint activation using:


      ORB orb = ORB.init(new String[0], properties)


      and then calling the following:





      into endpointdeactivation.


      I'm pretty sure that I've missed something basilar here but at the moment I'm brain dead.

      Any help or RTFM (but let me know which one) would be appreciated


      Regards Claudio.


      PS I'm on JBoss 4 and using Jacorb 2.3.1

        • 1. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA

          I am not able to understand your questions clearly, however have you looked at the following wiki?


          • 2. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA

            Hi Vicky,


            I was able to create a JCA Source connector and for the basic it works

            What is happening I guess is much more related on how ORB is creating and handling instances internally.


            To be more clear first time I start JBoss with my connector everything works well and I see (as I request it into jacorb properties file) the banner of Jacorb following the initialization of orb instance using ORB.init. See the sample below



            2010-05-11 12:06:21,625 ERROR [STDERR] 2010-05-11 12:06:21.625 INFO
            JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org
            (C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009



            Then I shut down the application that is using the source connector and I restart it. At this point I saw two time the banner printed like the initial instance has not been destroyed correctly.


            2010-05-11 12:07:21,364 ERROR [STDERR] 2010-05-11 12:06:21.625 INFO
            JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org
            (C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009
            JacORB V 2.3.1, www.jacorb.org
            (C) The JacORB project 27-May-2009

            I guess that I'm missing some "basic" stuff here... maybe I'm not disposing the orb instance properly.


            Regards Claudio

            • 3. Re: Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA

              Have you been able to get things working here, I have been in hibernating mode for some time. Hope to get back now