1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 27, 2010 5:18 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Rendering Probelm with IE 8 (not IE 7)


      I have a seam 2.1.2 project where I am using richfaces 3.3.2 sr1 with jboss.5.0.1.


      here is a block of one of my .xhtml files:


             <f:facet name="header">Current Insured</f:facet>
                 <rich:layoutPanel position="top">
                     <h:outputText value="#{wbAuth.formattedName}"/>&#160;&#160;
                     <h:commandLink value="Change User" action="#{controller.SendToInsuredLookup}"/>&#160;&#160;
                      <s:link value="Refresh" action="#{controller.SendToInsuredDisplay}"/>
                 <rich:layoutPanel position="left">
                       <b>Policy/Reference No:</b><h:outputText value="#{wbAuth.policyNo}/#{wbAuth.referenceNo}"/>
                 <rich:layoutPanel position="center">
                          <b>Office Enail:</b><h:outputText value="#{wbAuth.u.officeEmail}"/>
                 <rich:layoutPanel position="right">
                           <b>Office Phone:</b><h:outputText value="#{wbAuth.u.officePhone}"/>




      if i use localhost to view this everything renders fine.  if i run jboss with -b and view this from another pc,  the facet header and the top position layout panel do not display with IE7, but with firefox it renders fine.  i can actually highlight where they should be and see them.


      i have another page with the same setup and that also gives teh same result


      This block of code renders fine:


                  <f:facet name="header">Current Tickets</f:facet>
                   <h:commandButton value="New Ticket" id="insuredNewTicketBottom" action="#{controller.SendToTicketCreate}"/>
                  <rich:dataTable value="#{userTicketList}" var="_tList" rendered="#{userTicketList.rowCount > 0}">


                          <s:link value="Edit" action="#{ViewTickets.editTicket(_tList)}" />&#160;&#160;<s:link value="View" action="#{ViewTickets.displayTicket(_tList)}"/>



      attached is a pic of the problem.



      thanks in advance

