7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2009 8:57 AM by janson12

    datascroller not working

      i have used the datascroller various times in conjunction with datatables. however in the latest rf version it's not working anymore. on first load everything renders fine but after some scrolling event the next page shows an empty table.
      any ideas?

        • 1. Re: datascroller not working

          it seems to be an issue with the environment. does anybody use jetty 6.1 with jsf ri 1.2, richfaces 3.3.0 and facelets 1.1.14?

          • 2. Re: datascroller not working

            My environment almost the same except jetty:6.1.5.. And RF demo example works fine for me.

            sent to QA for additional check.

            • 3. Re: datascroller not working

              Hi Jason,

              could you please post your page code and abcking beans you use?


              • 4. Re: datascroller not working


                "Janson12" wrote:
                it seems to be an issue with the environment. does anybody use jetty 6.1 with jsf ri 1.2, richfaces 3.3.0 and facelets 1.1.14?

                I had no problems with Jetty at all. Using it for quick testing.

                • 5. Re: datascroller not working


                  "tkuprevich" wrote:
                  Hi Jason,

                  could you please post your page code and abcking beans you use?

                  And what kind of problem do you have in a few words?

                  • 6. Re: datascroller not working

                    thanks for your replies. i try to provide you the necessary setup. meanwhile my list of pobs got a big larger:
                    -i loose the underlying collection of datatbles when performing an action on the corresponding datascroller. it returns null when the bean is realoded. i could temporarily solve this by applying the keepalive tag.
                    -whenever i reload a page i'm unable to get the ajax viewRoot from within the constructor where i load e.g. resource bundles and other stuff accessible through the view root
                    -view expired entry in web.xml doesn't seem effect a thing.

                    • 7. Re: datascroller not working

                      ok, so here's the classpath of the project:

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                       <classpathentry kind="src" path="Project/src"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="src" path="UnitTests/src"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/dbtools/freemarker.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/dbtools/hibernate-tools.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/antlr-2.7.6.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/commons-collections-3.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/dom4j-1.6.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/ejb3-persistence.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate-core.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/hibernate3.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/javassist.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/hibernate/jta-1.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/ant-1.6.5.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/jcl104-over-slf4j-1.3.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/jetty-6.1.14.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/jetty-util-6.1.14.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/picocontainer-2.7.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="UnitTests/lib/junit-4.5.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/log4j-1.2.13.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/slf4j-simple-1.5.6.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/commons-digester.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/tomahawk.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/richfaces-api-3.3.0.GA.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/richfaces-impl-3.3.0.GA.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/richfaces-ui-3.3.0.GA.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/jsf-facelets.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/commons-el-1.0.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/jetty/servlet-api-2.5-6.1.14.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/jsf-api.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsf/jsf-impl.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsp-2.1/jsp-2.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="web/WEB-INF/lib/ext/jsp-2.1/jsp-api-2.1.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="lib" path="Project/lib/javacsv.jar"/>
                       <classpathentry kind="output" path="Project/bin"/>

                      Jetty is started in embedded mode from a
                      public static void main(String[] args)

                      hope that helps in any way as i really don't wanna lose any of the currently used frameworks.