1 Reply Latest reply on May 3, 2010 9:15 AM by mwringe

    Registering a page with a portlet


      Hello GateIn community!


      I'm wondering if there is a possibility in GateIn to automaticaly register a test page just when deploying a war file with a portlet.

      In JBoss Portal there was the object configuration file, to deploy also a page with the deployed portlet registered to a window in an easy way.


      But I'm missing an equal method in GateIn.


      How do you aucreate a page for testing a portlet automatically?



        • 1. Re: Registering a page with a portlet

          There is a way to do it in GateIn using portal extensions, see the gatein-sample-extension.war for an example. The extension do have a couple of things to consider: they need to be deployed on a fresh server (ie a server that has not started yet or one that has an empty data directory) and they don't handle undeployment or reployment very well.


          There has been a jira created to add special configuration files like what was used in JBoss Portal: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/GTNPORTAL-870