1 Reply Latest reply on May 5, 2010 2:07 AM by adamw

    How can I execute a raw jpa query with AuditReader?



      I need to run a "time slice" query using auditreader as of a point in time on a joined query. 

      The limitation that I ran into is that when you use AuditReader, you can't execute an arbitrary jpa query.




      List myEntities= getAuditReader().createQuery()
          .forEntitiesAtRevision(MyEntity.class, 12)


      This gives me all the entities as of revision.  The only way to set a filter is:



      I would like to set a filter criteria based on values in a joined table, like this:


      select ent from MyEntity ent JOIN Address addr

      WHERE addr.streetNumber>100 AND addr.streetNumber<=199


      Ideally, it should allow something like this:


      List myEntities= getAuditReader().createQuery("select ent from MyEntity ent JOIN Address addr

                                                                             WHERE addr.streetNumber>100 AND addr.streetNumber<=199")


      Has anyone ever encountered this problem?  What's the workaround?




        • 1. Re: How can I execute a raw jpa query with AuditReader?



          currently this is a limitation of Envers, which I think is even documented - you cannot traverse relations in queries. I hope to fix this after the end-revision column support is implemented, some time in the future. For now, the queries would just be too complicated.

