2 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2010 7:52 AM by fr0w

    Building Arquillian With Nexus Repo


      We've been experiencing some problems resolving dependencies lately under the new repositories.  I've gathered some contributors' inputs, and we're now in talks w/ our resident build experts to work towards a solution.  Below is a recent IRC log from #jbosstesting.


      (02:23:54 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: frow has noticed some issues with obtaining artifacts via Nexus
      (02:24:07 PM) pgier: ok
      (02:24:16 PM) ALR@Freenode: frow: Do you have the erring pastebin from yesterday handy?
      (02:24:56 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: Overall I think we also have an issue where users would like to build our projects (which may depend on stuff in other repos not currently proxied from public)
      (02:25:08 PM) ALR@Freenode: This affects both Arquillian and ShrinkWrap
      (02:25:41 PM) pgier: ALR: you can add the repos to the POMs
      (02:25:51 PM) pgier: I've also been thinking about making the proxy repos public
      (02:25:56 PM) pgier: maybe that is a better solution
      (02:26:31 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: Yep, I was hoping that'd be the answer.
      (02:26:39 PM) ALR@Freenode: So we can add just one repo declaration in our POMs.
      (02:26:50 PM) ALR@Freenode: And require no other settings.xml from the users.
      (02:26:59 PM) ALR@Freenode: But there's a bigger issue we're seeing too.
      (02:27:06 PM) fr-w [~Flavio@] entered the room.
      (02:27:10 PM) fr-w left the room.
      (02:27:17 PM) fr-w [~Flavio@] entered the room.
      (02:27:21 PM) fr-w: ops
      (02:27:31 PM) pgier: ALR: how was this handled with the old setup?
      (02:27:36 PM) fr-w: DSL signal stopped for a second
      (02:27:37 PM) pgier: just with repos in the POM?
      (02:28:10 PM) pgier: the main issue with allowing anonymous access to our proxy repos is bandwidth
      (02:28:15 PM) pgier: especially from central
      (02:28:16 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: This is the error: http://pastebin.com/YfteStTZ
      (02:28:41 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: I suspect it has something to do with the mirror settings
      (02:28:48 PM) pgier: although maybe a good solution would be to allow access to only the proxy repos other than central
      (02:28:55 PM) pgier: since everyone has that one anyway
      (02:29:00 PM) frow left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
      (02:29:01 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: Note how in that pastebin, depchain can resolve
      (02:29:05 PM) ALR@Freenode: But the EJB3 BOM does not.
      (02:29:13 PM) ALR@Freenode: Those arifacts are both in jboss-releases
      (02:29:52 PM) pgier: I think I saw this before
      (02:29:59 PM) pgier: the BOM is import scope right?
      (02:30:00 PM) fr-w: Some how, some POM in there is "redirecting" maven to central instead of keep using jboss's repo
      (02:30:01 PM) ALR@Freenode: Yes.
      (02:30:11 PM) fr-w is now known as frow
      (02:30:30 PM) ALR@Freenode: And I get reports that even if you manually install the EJB3 BOM (import scope), the next failure in line is in resolving jboss-parent:5
      (02:30:41 PM) frow: Yea, that is it ALR
      (02:30:58 PM) ALR@Freenode: So there's two issues.
      (02:31:00 PM) frow: Since it agains tries to lookup jboss-parent in maven central
      (02:31:07 PM) ALR@Freenode: 1) Not resolving these (import scope a factor?)
      (02:31:22 PM) ALR@Freenode: 2) Let's get users a public repo that proxies all except central
      (02:31:53 PM) ALR@Freenode: I don't know how to proceed to resolve 1) however
      (02:32:01 PM) Jaikiran left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
      (02:32:12 PM) pgier: ALR: did you see this jira? http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3553
      (02:33:07 PM) ALR@Freenode: pgier: I hadn't.  Yet this is closed?
      (02:33:16 PM) ALR@Freenode: We see this in 2.0.9, 2.0.10, and 2.2.1.
      (02:33:23 PM) pgier: close as "won't fix" for some reason
      (02:33:47 PM) pgier: looks like jdcasey closed it, so we can ask him
      (02:34:32 PM) ALR@Freenode: OK, pinged him too
      (02:34:38 PM) jdcasey [~jdcasey@adsl-074-170-244-147.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] entered the room.
      (02:35:02 PM) ALR@Freenode: Thanks jdcasey.
      (02:35:13 PM) jdcasey: np, though I'm just about to head out the door for lunch...
      (02:35:16 PM) ALR@Freenode: Ah OK.
      (02:35:20 PM) jdcasey: what's up?
      (02:35:22 PM) ALR@Freenode: In short: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3553
      (02:35:45 PM) ALR@Freenode: We're unable to resolve some things, yet others are OK.  ie. http://pastebin.com/YfteStTZ
      (02:37:58 PM) jdcasey: hm, I'll look into it when I get back...I remember the problems with importing repo definitions in addition to dependency management info, but not why settings repos wouldn't be applied to an imported POM
      (02:38:02 PM) jdcasey: bbiab
      (02:39:09 PM) ALR@Freenode: jdcasey: Thanks, appreciated.




        • 1. Re: Building Arquillian With Nexus Repo

          In case that pastebin in the logs expires, the content is:


          [DEBUG] Trying repository jboss-public-repository-group
          Downloading: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/jboss/jbossas/jboss-as-depchain/
          30K downloaded
          [DEBUG]   Artifact resolved
          [DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-parent:pom: for project: org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-depchain:pom:null from the repository.
          [DEBUG] Trying repository jboss-public-repository-group
          Downloading: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/jboss/jbossas/jboss-as-parent/
          21K downloaded
          [DEBUG]   Artifact resolved
          [DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-component-matrix:pom: for project: org.jboss.jbossas:jboss-as-parent:pom:null from the repository.
          [DEBUG] Trying repository jboss-public-repository-group
          Downloading: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/jboss/jbossas/jboss-as-component-matrix/
          112K downloaded
          [DEBUG]   Artifact resolved
          [DEBUG] Trying repository central
          Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/ejb3/bom/bom-as6/0.1.2/bom-as6-0.1.2.pom
          [DEBUG] Unable to find resource 'org.jboss.ejb3.bom:bom-as6:pom:0.1.2' in repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)




          • 2. Re: Building Arquillian With Nexus Repo

            As pointed out by jdcasey on IRC, Maven 3 fixed this problem.


            I was able to "mvn clean install" all projects but containers/jboss-embedded-as (see this link http://pastebin.com/sAkKjfbh)


            As Maven 3 pulled all the needed deps correctly, Aslak suggested that I could now give Maven 2 a try and it also worked.