1 Reply Latest reply on May 12, 2010 5:56 PM by rkadupuk

    how to load property file outside of the webapplication in Jboss server?

      I created a property file and placed it inside a jar file and changed the classpath of the jboss server. (opened run.bat and set CLASSPATH variable)

      I could able to see the updated classpath when I do run --help at command prompt.


      the JBOSS CLASSPATH contains:jboss_home\bin\run.jar;custom_jar_home\serverconfig.jar


      From my web application I did like this.


        • 1. Re: how to load property file outside of the webapplication in Jboss server?




          it is throwing null pointer exception...


          but when i do the following it is working




          where log4j-debug.properties is inside the run.jar


          Similary  I tried with ResourceBundle. It is working for the props inside the run.jar file only.


          At present I am placing the properties file inside the /server/conf/ folder and changed the property-server.xml and getting the properties using System.getProperty("");


          But my question is why the property file inside the run.jar is available but not the property file from the custom lib.


          Any help is greatly appreciated.


