1 Reply Latest reply on May 13, 2010 1:03 PM by nbelaevski

    no id being generated for output text in extendedDataTable

      A name is getting generated but not an id.  This is causing a problem because I'm using javascript to handle arrow keys for cell navigation and I'm unable to set the focus on the next cell without an id.  I'm using the lastest 3.3.3.Final release.  Here is what is being output in the cell:


      <input type="text" name="j_id52:j_id53:1:j_id470" value="1.0" class="editable-cell-forecast" onblur="validateAvailability(event, this);" onchange="this.style.backgroundColor='#ADDFFF';              this.style.color='#FFFFFF';              this.style.fontWeight='bold';" onkeydown="navigate(event, this);" />


      Here is the code:

      <h:inputText rendered="#{time[ind].forecastType==2}"



           onkeydown="navigate(event, this);"




           onblur="validateAvailability(event, this);" />


      I may be able to work with the name but shouldn't I get a generated id here?