1 2 Previous Next 23 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2010 7:52 AM by davesiracusa Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

        There is no hard coded poll period that I am aware of, rather there should be a maximum period for which the consumer waits before returning.


        The real issue with the jms-provider is that there is a single thread pulling messages and then providing them to a thread pool to execute, done in this manner because some of the couriers requrie it.


        If you replace jms-provider with the jms-jca-provider then you will have concurrent threads being 'pushed' by the JMS implementation.


        How does this affect your tests?



        • 16. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

          >> There is no hard coded poll period that I am aware of, rather there should be a maximum period for which the consumer waits before returning.

          I took another look - In the source code, file: JmsGatewayListener.java, the doRun execution thread calles receiveOne which attempts to read from JMS using the overloaded receive with a 200 mSec timeout. I was incorrect, the latency is far shorter however measurable during my tests.  The latency is actually the setup to make the call over again (negligible), not 200 mSec as I originally thought.


          >> The real issue with the jms-provider is that there is a single thread pulling messages and then providing them to a thread pool to execute, done in this manner because some of the couriers requrie it.

          When I increased the maxThreads for each of the jms-listeners performance went up considerably.


          >> If you replace jms-provider with the jms-jca-provider then you will have concurrent threads being 'pushed' by the JMS implementation.

          I will try it, so I can compare the performance I originally achieved.  Thanks!




          • 17. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

            When I increased the maxThreads for each of the jms-listeners performance went up considerably

            This is the size of the thread pool and controls how many concurrent pipeline requests can be performed.



            I will try it, so I can compare the performance I originally achieved.  Thanks!

            No problems, please let us know how it goes.



            • 18. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

              I repeated my tests: I achieved 1570 TPM for the jms-jca-provider and 2800 TPM for the jms-provider.



              • 19. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

                Interesting, every test we have done shows JCA inflow to be faster.  What is the test doing??



                • 20. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

                  I drop 1000 messages into a queue.  The messages have a unique number and timestamp.

                  The service displays the message, threadid and its own timestamp. 

                  It also performs 250 mSec worth of work.   


                  In order to get it to perform concurrently I set the number of maxthreads and jms pool sufficiently high.

                  Right now I'm running everything on one laptop. 


                  I'll be repeating some of my tests on server-based VMs in a week or so.

                  I'll let you know how it goes.




                  • 21. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

                    Could you send me a copy of this test?



                    • 22. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

                      Sure, I'll upload it tomorrow.  Its just a modified quickstart.

                      The jmeter test requires a bit of setup.  If you can do without it's probably best.


                      I created a custom Java Request object which creates a JMS Point to Point which allows me to include tokens in the command message.  Like %x = generate a incrementing number, %d = date, etc.  I also had to add all the jars to the jmeter lib directory, and modify a property file.

                      • 23. Re: Performance Issues With Routing (ESB 4.8)

                        I've attached the modified quickstart.   

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